Monday, October 26, 2020

New Art, interesting reading, last of my election commentary (I think)

I am making more use of links, music and visual. Click on them and then you might have a second link to search. Some locations, such as YouTube generate revenue for your "free" viewing by running ads, so be patient. On occasion there is a "skip ad" button. Sometimes it will load and start when you go there, sometimes you need to click on the white arrow in the red box.

IF you don’t want to SLOG Through the BLOG...I keep my Instagram page to mostly art and photos of my travel, family, 

An important note: I work on this blog for one person - ME; I love sharing it with about 60 friends, relatives, and acquaintances in The States and in Europe. 

With this in mind, I hope you enjoy the updates to my art and life as presented in this blog. IF you don't like the political stuff and don't want to receive future blogs just say so, no hard feelings. So far, only  four have taken me up on the offer. With that in mind, remember:

Below the Fold below is where lies controversial stuff, if you don't want to go there, stay above.
And now, Ladies and Gentlemen, I present:

New Art:
Paintings from photos I took in 2005 during a Pioneer Bank-hosted customer outing in Carmel at Pebble Beach and Spyglass.
Oil on canvas paper 

this is a smaller oil on canvas board of the mission. 

This is a wet-on-wet, 8 x 10” oil on stretched canvas from a photo I took in Colorado.


 From an un-named internet photo

Some of you know that, yes, I live in a gated community. That way protesters, BLM, etc couldn’t possibly break down one of our gates and march on to our private streets...


 A collection of speeches and talks, some VERY timely, the selection of judges (he was 98-0 by the way) and his Catholic faith, etc. 


Light: Snippets of CG from and for only his daughter. That face is what you get when you breed Cary Grant and Dyan Cannon. 


This past week, United Way held an event in Bell Tower Shops for youth solutions, many were their official agencies. One close to my heart is GiGi’s Playhouse, a place for children and parents to gather, learn, and do.


Brief, but a solid comment on today’s scary world...

And, two more to remember...

Remember when


What a GTO! Bitchin’ Rides trimmed and wrapped the bumpers, turned the orange to black, and when they accelerated, the rear fish-tailed just as you would expect. Very fast...
   Look at the split windshield on this restored bus. The original body looked like Swiss cheese. The interior was expertly redone by a Sewfine Interior Products in Denver. Just beautiful. 

Could be reading, but just look at his face...
  Listening and learning


If you are not familiar with her, she has two great duets with Kenny Cheney, here is one. You might get a redirect notice, its ok to go there but be sure to come back.
‘Cause you and tequila make me crazy; 
Run like poison in my blood
One more night might kill me, baby
One is too many, One more is never enough.

Also, from my earliest music recollections, I loved Apache; here is a link to the guys remembering the creation and playing it one more time. The Shadows:
Same thing on the redirect notice.

NEXT blog I will comment and link to the recently departed Spencer Davis... Gimmie Some Lovin’, I’m A Man, etc, and how that leads to one of my favorite vocalist, his singer, 
Stevie Winnwood, then it leads to Slash and SW on Hey Joe, then...well, you get the idea. 


40,000 feet on my way

Annual retreat, silent, men’s, at Jesuit White House center on the bluffs above the Mississippi River; probably the best weather in 23 visits over the years. 


  While I was in Saint Louis and Columbia...
Bevo Mill

Same old crossing in Kirkwood, gets me every time.

 From a poster at my son’s house, interesting references to the many neighborhoods within the city limits. 

Beautiful St Mary Magdalene in Brentwood:


At St Mary’s:
Preparing a dedication to Marianist education in Saint Louis for the men in our family. The engraver came by soon after to sandblast the letters, then fill in the crevices with black paint.

Columbia: MIZ ZOU

  Taken from my old Art classroom building.

A Tiger Throwing strikes. 
 And, the catcher is from here in nearby Cape Coral.

Kind of forgotten, long-snapper for the Titans...

Funny humor:


Old photo when the boys were younger...

Sent from a friend, I had to laugh with all my friends...

Subject: SLM Squirrel Lives Matter

In a small American town, a band of squirrels had become quite a problem.

The Presbyterian church called a meeting to decide what to do about their squirrel infestation. After much prayer and consideration, they concluded that the squirrels were predestined to be there, and they shouldn't interfere with God's divine will.

At the Baptist church the squirrels had taken an interest in the baptistery. The deacons met and decided to put a water-slide on the baptistery and let the squirrels drown themselves. The squirrels liked the slide and unfortunately, knew instinctively how to swim, so twice as many squirrels showed up the following week.

The Lutheran church decided that they were not in a position to harm any of God's creatures. So, they humanely trapped their squirrels and set them free near the Baptist church. Two weeks later the squirrels were back when the Baptists took down the water-slide.

The Episcopalians tried a unique plan by setting out pans of whiskey around theirchurch in an effort to kill the squirrels with alcohol poisoning. They sadly learned how much damage a band of drunk squirrels can do.

But the Catholic church came up with a creative strategy! They baptized all the squirrels and made them members of the church. Now they only see them at Christmas and Easter.

And not much was heard from the Jewish synagogue. They took the first squirrel and circumcised him. They haven't seen a squirrel since!

Sad humor:

Might belong Below The Fold, but it is Sad Humor...and Funny at the same time. We’ll soon find out which campaign style worked...



There IS a Columbus Day for a reason:


Below The Fold---------------------------------------
Or, as I have learned from your input, Preaching To The Choir vs Unbelievers
Enter at your own risk:

Different angle  

Why the nose? Let’s think about it...

Get rid of oil and gas? Eliminate fracking? Push us back to oil dependency on the Middle East and Russia??????
THIS IS SERIOUS, MAN: So what does all this mean for people like you and I and our children and grandchildren? Did you ever think about the products that are produced from petroleum? You surely must know that oil is a basic ingredient of more products than gasoline and motor oil. Let’s think about that for a minute or two, and then think of the implications for America and the number of people whose jobs would be displaced as a result of eliminating fossil fuels as a component for our energy needs. Indeed, there is quite a large list of products made from petroleum. This list is constantly growing as new inventions are created. Here are some of the items which are made from petroleum:







Artificial limbs

Artificial Turf




Ballpoint Pens



Bearing Grease

Bicycle Tires




Car Battery Cases

Car Enamel



CD Player 

CD’s & DVD’s



Cold cream






Denture Adhesive





Diesel fuel


Dishwasher parts


Drinking Cups


Electric Blankets

Electrician’s Tape




Fan Belts

Faucet Washers


Fishing Boots

Fishing lures

Fishing Rods

Floor Wax

Folding Doors

Food Preservatives

Football Cleats

Football Helmets





Golf Bags

Golf Balls

Guitar Strings

Hair Coloring

Hair Curlers

Hand Lotion

Heart Valves

House Paint

Ice Chests

Ice Cube Trays


Insect Repellent


Life Jackets





Model Cars


Motor Oil

Motorcycle Helmets

Movie film

Nail Polish

Nylon Rope

Oil Filters


Paint Brushes

Paint Rollers

Panty Hose




Petroleum Jelly


Plastic Wood





Roller Skates


Rubber Cement

Rubbing Alcohol

Safety Glasses

Shag Rugs


Shaving Cream

Shoe Polish


Shower Curtains



Soft Contact lenses



Sports Car Bodies


Surf Boards


Synthetic Rubber


Tennis Rackets



Toilet Seats

Tool Racks




Transparent Tape

Trash Bags

TV Cabinets




Vitamin Capsules

Water Pipes




In the State of Pennsylvania where Joe Biden is from, there are 300,000 people employed in the oil and fracking industry alone. There are millions of people employed in the oil exploration and refinery industry in Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Florida and Alaska. How many people are employed in all of the other industries listed above? Where will these people go when their jobs are displaced? Remember, this is just the oil industry. It is irresponsible to announce to the American people that you intend to eliminate the oil industry without first letting them know the impact such a decision will have on our overall economy and the specific plans and programs you have for the nation to absorb such displacement. The problem with Democrats is they are long on promises and short on plans for execution. And this one has all the earmarks of a blueprint for crippling America.

 the concern over his age? 

 The character of the country, in my view, is literally on the ballot. What kind of country we're going to be. Four more years of George, uh, George, uh, he, uh — gonna find ourselves in a position where if Trump gets elected we're gonna be, we're gonna be in a different world. —Joe Biden conflating George W. Bush with Donald Trump

 We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics. —Joe Biden in a colossal political gaffe — when a politician unintentionally tells the truth



Scalia speaks...
Judicial Appointments, hypocrisy from Joe, etc. 

This might belong in the Pinocchio section......

Lincoln didn’t think he would be re-elected...
