Enjoy the photos, you should be able to click on to open them up and even pinch open further.
Since I shut down my website, several of you have asked how you can see my art in one place. Well, I have just the answer: through Art St Louis you can use ArtLoupe; the link is below
Now the (kind of ) bad news...You need to view it through their app on your mobile device, won't work on your laptop, desktop, or tablet. The benefit is that you can click on "artist" and input Lyles and see all of my active pieces, a price, and an easy way to order. For me it is palatable that they only charge 10% commission. If you select a piece to purchase ArtLoupe will notify me, create a mailing label for me and all I have to do is package it up and mail it. It will add a S&H cost to you, usually approximatelyely $15 dollars. You can charge it or use your Pay Pal account.
I am making more use of links, music and visual. Click on them and then you might have a second link to search. Some locations, such as YouTube generate revenue for your "free" viewing by running ads, so be patient. On occasion there is a "skip ad" button. Sometimes it will load and start when you go there, sometimes you need to click on the white arrow in the red box.
I hope you enjoy the updates to my art and life as presented in this blog. IF you don't like the political stuff and don't want to receive future blogs just say so, no hard feelings. So far, only two have taken me up on the offer. With that in mind, remember:
Below the Fold below is where lies controversial stuff, if you don't want to go there, stay above.
And now, Ladies and Gentlemen, I present:
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Acrylic on canvas |
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Oil on canvas |
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Oil on canvas pad |
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Watercolor on paper |
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Oil on board |
Almighty God, look with love upon our men and women in uniform and protect them in their time of need. Be with their families and sustain them in these uncertain times. Grant strength and peace of mind to the Veterans who have given their best for the country they love. Manifest your tender care to those in the Military Academies and ROTC programs who prepare for future service. Teach us to remember the sacrifices of those whose effort contribute to ensuring our way of life. Amen
A compilation from a prayer of the Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA.
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All but the heron are from my back preserve |
No picture, so you will have to use your imagination, but think of the car insurance commercial where the parade car is on fire...
I am riding my bicycle at dinner time. The apartment style condos have to grill 10 feet from their building, so most use their driveway. As I ride past an open garage, I see the back of a propane grill. The front is to the garage side so they can open and shut the lid. The backside is partially open where you place the tank, drain the grease, etc. I see a 10 - 12" flame in the enclosure. "Where is the Owner?" I think, in an instance. Oh, she is on the right side of the door opening, weeding, bending at the waist with her back to me. Now I appreciate a well sculpted female curve as much as the next artist...I tried to yell "YOU'RE ON FIRE!" to her, however, as much as I tried, the words would not come out. I couldn't pull the trigger. And by now I am two units away. True story. Not sure how the BBQ finished, no fire trucks came by later. Only thing better would have been for her to turn around, waive, and smile, thanking me for the compliment.
NOT Parody...
Happy Fathers Day...
So, some Boomers just never grow up, can be good or can be strange...
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Medallion on neighbor's car |
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And this is just one side of her Beemer! |
Just plain old cartoons...


One third of a trilogy. I found it interesting to be reminded of Pax Romana - August Ceaser created peace, some posterity, rule of law over the Roman world. All you had to do was pay taxes and worship their gods. And, like many dictators, he eventually thought of himself as deity. Into this world, at that time came Jesus, a humble, poor, defenseless child, as promised/precisely predicted, who brings internal peace - not just for the Mediterranean region and not just to a particular era, but for all of creation, spiritual prosperity, moral leadership, free will, no taxes; in fact, all his gifts are free for the taking. And, this God/Man came only to serve and do the will of His Father. Augustus is in the past, Jesus is in the present and for the future.,
Just started Graham Greene's The Quiet American.
Only read the review, however, it, in itself was interesting...
The review goes on, might want to check it out at your local library.
So the press NOW loves John Bolton, someone they did not want to confirm for various posts, constantly denigrated in prior administrations, he had this to say in his new "book":

Like much of my musical discoveries, this came to me from out of nowhere, from a footnote, from a referral, from a review of another movie, directed by Danny Boyle - You know his Slumdog Millionaire, Trainspotting, Steve Jobs, and a movie I previously mentioned - and liked - Yesterday. In Millions, I can see elements refined in Yesterday. I think it is now my #3 behind The Godfather and #2, a similar genre to this, Zardoz. Both, to me, are what a movie should be. As great a movie as is The Godfather, it is a picture of a play. Zardoz and Millions are anything but, visual pleasure and adventure, stories that make you say "impossible, BUT I just watched it - maybe it is possible", plot for the good, it makes you want to see what comes next, root for the god guy (kid), and just enjoy the ride. Wow.
Listening to: Very few songs fit the situation perfectly, love song, protest, etc. This one seems to come close to today's crazy world. I first heard this on one of the early Jerry Bruckheimer CSI shows, William Petersen, etc. Season 3, episode 3 Oct 2002 The Accused Is Entitled. The music was used in the opening scene in a bar. It fit perfectly. This is the link to hear the song. Give it a second on YouTube. About 3 1/2 minutes.
Everybody Out of the Water
Now on your mark, get set, let's go
You got to move now before she explodes
Look out the window and out below
Back away from the glass, there she blows
You got to move now before she explodes
Look out the window and out below
Back away from the glass, there she blows
The city's been leveled, the hills are in flame
The streets cracked up and when we're pushing up clay
The temperatures dropped, the sky is gray
And it ain't even over comes driving rain
The streets cracked up and when we're pushing up clay
The temperatures dropped, the sky is gray
And it ain't even over comes driving rain
Maybe that you feel
There's something moving around in here
That's blood, that's tears
This ain't the warning
There's something moving around in here
That's blood, that's tears
This ain't the warning
Everybody out of the water
And up on dry land, take what you can
'Cause you won't be here again
Everybody out of the water
And up on dry land, take what you can
'Cause you won't be here again
Everybody out of the water
Now I'm treading high water to get back to you
Looking for a low spot or something to cling to
There's too many bodies there's not enough room
God help me and God help you
Looking for a low spot or something to cling to
There's too many bodies there's not enough room
God help me and God help you
They say nobody panic, help is on its way
We're already on it, you got to be brave
If you can fix it now then don't make us wait
Man, they ain't nobody coming back away from the case
We're already on it, you got to be brave
If you can fix it now then don't make us wait
Man, they ain't nobody coming back away from the case
That bell you hear
That's hell ringing in your ears
I fear, my dear
This ain't a warning
That's hell ringing in your ears
I fear, my dear
This ain't a warning
Everybody out of the water
And up on dry land, take what you can
'Cause you won't be here again
Well, I loved you then like I loved you now
That don't matter anyhow, well, this is the new frontier
Everybody out of the water
And up on dry land, take what you can
'Cause you won't be here again
Well, I loved you then like I loved you now
That don't matter anyhow, well, this is the new frontier
Everybody out of the water
Now I'm looking up and the shit keeps coming
Like shooting ducks in a barrel of honey
You've got to learn how to pray but it won't be enough
Admit it now, your information sucks
Like shooting ducks in a barrel of honey
You've got to learn how to pray but it won't be enough
Admit it now, your information sucks
Side slip, down in, I think of a someplace high up a mountain
Smoke clears the fog lifts little by little we rebuilt again
But till then
Smoke clears the fog lifts little by little we rebuilt again
But till then
Everybody out of the water
And up on dry land, take what you can
'Cause you won't be here again
Now I loved you then like I loved you now
It won't matter anyhow, well, this is the new frontier
Everybody out of the water
And up on dry land, take what you can
'Cause you won't be here again
Now I loved you then like I loved you now
It won't matter anyhow, well, this is the new frontier
Everybody out of the water
Everybody out of the water
Everybody out of the water
Fun update: Having lived in Albuquerque I have followed this story for 10 years. Many, and on some days I, thought it was a hoax...well, no more. The link to Rocky Mountain Treasure Chest FOUND!Everybody out of the water
Below The Fold---------------------------------------
Or, as I have learned from your input, Preaching To The Choir vs Unbelievers
Or, as I have learned from your input, Preaching To The Choir vs Unbelievers
Enter at your own risk:
Important...I believe all of God's creatures should be treated with respect, with as much love as we can share, and we should help as best we can. Never discriminate because of race, religion, sex, etc. Some of my favorite banking days stories are of legal immigrants. I cannot condone means justify the end; using others for your political gain; destroying history rather than studying it. Rather we should come to some consensus in a community if there is a discussion to remove a statue or artifact that some find hurtful.Recently, I think I learned what Jesus meant when He said, "Do you think I came to bring peace on earth? No, I tell you, but division." And he goes on to describe division in family, as example. I never understood that. Then, in reading Jordan Peterson's 12 Rules of Life where he touched on what happens when one deals in truth - it can divide, in great magnitude. Of course, some will say, as did Pilot, "What is truth?" Sarcastic or sincere? Well, there is truth and it is knowable. Some just don't want to admit it. But in the end, truth always wins, which is one of the problems with our current "cancel culture". It will delay justice.
From WSJ editorial:
Insight from Frederick Douglas (1818-1895): "What shall be done with the four million slaves if they are emancipated?...Our answer is, do nothing with them; mind your business, and let them mind theirs. Your doing with them is their greatest misfortune.They have been undone by your doings, and all they now ask, and really have need of at your hands, is just to let them alone. They suffer by every interference, and succeed just by being let alone."
And I will add - in the greatest country on earth to achieve whatever their dream, with all of our resources, freedom to become what they desire, with whom, and as far as they want to travel.
Ignoring the real "Pandemic" plague on Black Americans by Thomas GallatinReal 'Pandemic' Plaguing Black American
NBC News ran an article last night titled, "New York protesters say they are facing two deadly pandemics: racism and coronavirus." The obtuse piece sought to use New York protesters to juxtapose the threat of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, which has claimed the lives of more than 20,000 New Yorkers and 110,000 Americans, with the "need" of black individuals to protest against supposed "systemic racism." As we have noted repeatedly, hard data simply does not support the Left's claims of widespread racism, let alone anything even remotely equating to "systemic."
While the article fell far short of presenting any legitimate conundrum, it did ironically serve to expose the absolute hypocrisy of the leftist Black Lives Matter crusade. One of the leading protest organizers, Chelsea Miller, hit on this hypocrisy without realizing she was doing so. In attempting to address the challenge of protesting during the China Virus pandemic, Miller asserted, "We have reached a crux where we must choose between potentially losing our lives at the hands of the police or the pandemic. In many ways we're choosing between the lives of our unborn sons and those of our parents."
Obviously, in referencing the lives of unborn sons, Miller inadvertently alluded to the genuine pandemic — a genocide, in fact, that has been meted out on the lives of preborn babies with decimating effects, especially on the black community, over the decades. Even more tragic is the fact that in New York City, less than half of preborn black babies live to see the light of day. Planned Parenthood may lament "violence against black lives," but the nation's largest abortion mill terminates 247 black lives every day — all in service to the eugenics agenda of its venerated founder, Margaret Sanger.
Irrespective of what Miller and the Left may claim, there is no pandemic of racist police brutalizing the black community; there is, however, a pandemic of preborn babies being killed in their mothers' wombs. The ones who survive are often left fatherless, which arguably is another pandemic for the black community.
The sad reality is that the primary threat to the lives of black Americans comes not from COVID-19 or from law enforcement but from other black Americans. Blaming police and faux "systemic racism" are simply a means for deflecting attention away from the real root of problems plaguing so many black communities.
SC Senator Tim Scott the Black Republican: "If you have two parents in the household, you reduce poverty in the African-American community by 85%. That's a stunning truth that needs more oxygen." There was a true middle class in the Black community in the 50's and 60's. College educated contemporaries of me. I am talking about economics here, not "systemic racism" that changed the economic future and current economic situation, especially for young Black men and unmarried young Black women.

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