Thursday, May 27, 2021

“The loveliest masterpiece of the heart of God is the heart of a mother.” St. Thérèse of Lisieux

  Mainline Florida: Link to Mainline Florida

I am making more use of links, music and visual. Click on them and then you might have a second link to search. Some locations, such as YouTube generate revenue for your "free" viewing by running ads, so be patient. On occasion there is a "skip ad" button. Sometimes it will load and start when you go there, sometimes you need to click on the white arrow in the red box.

I hope you enjoy the updates to my art and life as presented in this blog. IF you don't like the political stuff and don't want to receive future blogs just say so, no hard feelings. So far, only five have taken me up on the offer. With that in mind, remember: BELOW THE FOLD is where (most) of the controversial stuff is placed. Sometimes stuff is a hybrid, say humor and political. Nevertheless, I do this blog for me, it clears my mind and then I do it to share stuff I think is interesting, fun, needed to be considered, etc. I like, also, the feedback I receive, either on a specific article or the concept in general. Right now there are about 70 of you who receive this directly. Claude


Building near us, Colonnade. 
14 x 11” oil on canvas board



Something you don’t hear everyday...David Bowie and The Pet Shop Boys😳

Link to Hallo Spaceboy live David Bowie + The Pet Shop Boys

"Say You Will" - J.D. Souther (w/Linda Ronstadt)

YouTube Link to "Say You Will" - J.D. Souther (w/Linda Ronstadt)


From my friends at parody site Babylon Bee:

Carter Says He’s Finally Hopeful That He Won’t Be Worst Presidential Failure In His Lifetime
PLAINS, GA—In a rare interview with the media from his tiny dollhouse living room, former president Jimmy Carter expressed hope that he will no longer be considered the worst presidential failure in his lifetime.

"I've been seen as one of the worst modern presidents for a long time," said Carter, "but something tells me my luck is about to change. I'm not sure what it is, really, but the last few months or so have me thinking that I'll no longer be considered in last place-- and that's a great feeling."
Carter didn't name names or say why he feels this way, only that "it feels good to finally be in second-to-last place." 

Some have suggested Biden may now be considered the worst president due to unspeakable damage his policies have done to the economy, the Middle East, and people's hopes for the future. Others have suggested Trump should be considered the worst president ever due to the fact that he's literally Hitler and his skin is orange. 

In honor of Jimmy Carter's accomplishment, local Democrat leaders will be throwing him a "not last place" party. 

Congrats, President Carter!


Nation Wishes Someone Would Have Warned Them About Dangers Of Unchecked Government Power

U.S.—Concerned citizens from all over the nation were really pitying their unfortunate lot in life that not a single individual in recent memory had risen up to warn them about the dangers of unchecked government power amid reports of gas shortages, rapidly rising prices on just about everything, and everyone in power lecturing them about pronouns and face coverings every day... Read more


 Morning walk, morning moon



Frangipani trees, I think they are native to South Africa

Link to
Repeat for my Blog, however, I love it
For the modern woman
You might need to adjust the volume within the video. I laugh along with her husband.


 New book highlights inspiring, challenging stories of six Black Catholics

Link to


From a WSJ Letter To The Editor: Regarding Heather Mac Donald’s “Anticop Movement Wants Road Anarchy Too” (op-ed, April 23): Politeness can go a long way during a traffic stop. The majority of cops are doing a very good job protecting the public. Many are understandably nervous. And why not? Too many of them are getting killed in the line of duty. Effective law enforcement must be a partnership between the citizens and the police.

During a traffic stop the cop is in control, but you set the tone. Nobody likes getting pulled over, and truth be told, most cops don’t like making traffic stops, because they are dangerous. 

Don’t go very far when pulled over, because that will raise red flags. If it’s dark, turn on the interior lights, roll down your window and sit still with your hands on the steering wheel and be pa- tient. The cop knows nothing about you. While there are some angry cops out there, most are good-natured and amiable. They react to what goes on around them. Start by being polite and answering the officer’s questions. If you are carrying a gun, let the officer know. The officer coming up to your window has no idea what is going to happen next. Help him make the right choice. It isn’t worth losing your life over a traffic stop.
Westlake Village, Calif.

I prefer the title police officer to cop. I learned my lesson once on a Saturday morning, broad daylight, well-trafficked intersection in West St Louis County when I was pulled over  because of a “perceived” difference of opinion on a yellow light. I pulled into a bank parking lot and he pulled in behind me. I got out of the car to plead my case...with his right hand on his holstered gun he said “Get back in the car.” You bet I did. We worked it out from there. Whew.


HEAR THE VOICE by Bishop Barron

But we hear his voice, too, in our own way, especially when we hear the Scriptures proclaimed at Mass. Mind you, we don’t just read the Bible; we hear the Bible. We can also hear the voice of Jesus through the teachings of the bishops and the popes. We can also hear the voice of Jesus in our conscience, which John Henry Newman called “the aboriginal Vicar of Christ in the soul.” We can hear the voice of Jesus in good spiritual friends as well, in those people who comfort us and challenge us and keep calling us to higher ideals and encourage us when we fall. 

We listen to the voice of Jesus because he is leading us to a renewed and transformed life with God.

And... The disciples didn’t get it at first. They didn’t get the secret, the mystery, the key, the pattern. And what was that? God’s self-emptying love, even unto death. God’s act of taking upon himself the sins of the world in order to take them away, the mystery of redemption through suffering.

Jesus explains this first by reference to the prophets; but then, he makes it as vividly present to them as he can: “He took bread, said the blessing, broke it, and gave it to them.” And that’s when the pieces fell into place—that’s when the puzzle was solved. The Eucharist made present this love unto death, this love that is more powerful than sin and death. The Eucharist is the key.


Catholics For Biden 🎉

Link to article on administration/fda lifts restriction on remote prescriptions of abortion drugs


And, (What a great country!!!) The court’s 1973 ruling in Roe found that women had a right to an abortion before the “viability” of the unborn child, but that states could regulate the issue once the child is viable. In the 1992 Planned Parenthood v. Casey ruling, the court found that states could regulate abortion pre-viability, but could not pose an “undue burden” on a woman’s right to an abortion.


You might find this to be helpful: 7 everyday tips for making prayer a priority

Link to article in



Isn’t this just typical of what we are seeing in Washington today...AN UGLY TURN FOR BIDEN AND DIVERSITY. The Democratic Party's obsession with race and identity politics took a nasty turn Tuesday when Democratic Senator Tammy Duckworth, backed by Democratic Senator Mazie Hirono, declared that she would not vote to confirm any white nominees for any administration positions. The only exceptions, Duckworth said, would be for white nominees who are also lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer.
As the story unfolded, Fox News Capitol Hill reporter Chad Pergram tweeted that Duckworth told a pool reporter, "I am a 'no' vote on the floor on all non-diversity nominees. You know, I will vote for racial minorities and I will vote for LGBTQ. But anybody else, I'm not voting for." Her message was clear, as Politico put it in its Playbook newsletter: "Duckworth vowed to reject any nominee who is white and straight."
Finally, and almost needless to say, it is impossible to imagine the furor that would arise in the press and political world if a U.S. senator vowed to vote against every nominee of color -- voting only for nominees who were white and heterosexual -- unless the White House satisfied a specific demand. But that is what things have come to in the Democratic Party today.
For a deeper dive into many of the topics covered in the Daily Memo, please listen to my podcast, The Byron York Show -- 


Kamala Harris Starting To Worry Biden Will Fully Destroy America Before She Even Gets A Chance

The above is a link that will take you to the full “story”.

Fake News Headline?


We are advised to NOT judge ALL Muslims by the actions of a few lunatics, but we are encouraged to judge ALL gun owners by the actions of a few lunatics.  


From a friend... FOR SALE:
I'm selling my white privilege card. It's over 82 years old but is in mint condition. It has never been used, not even one time. 

Reason for selling is that it hasn't done a thing for me! No free college, no free food, no free housing, no free anything. I actually had to go to work every day of my life while paying a boatload of taxes to carry those who chose not to work!

If you are interested, I prefer cash but would be willing to do an even trade for a Race Card which seems much more widely accepted and comes with countless benefits if you fit the profile!

Don’t lose hope...from Mary at Medjugorje "Dear Children! 
Also today I am with you to tell you: Little children, who prays does not fear the future and does not lose hope. You are chosen to carry joy and peace, because you are mine. 

I have come here with the name 'Queen of Peace' because the devil wants peacelessness and war, he wants to fill your heart with fear of the future - but the future is God's. 

That is why, be humble and pray, and surrender everything into the hands of the Most High Who created you. 
Thank you for having responded to my call."


Wednesday, May 12, 2021

"I try to apply colors like words that shape poems, like notes that shape music." Joan Miro’

   Mainline Florida: Link to Mainline Florida

I am making more use of links, music and visual. Click on them and then you might have a second link to search. Some locations, such as YouTube generate revenue for your "free" viewing by running ads, so be patient. On occasion there is a "skip ad" button. Sometimes it will load and start when you go there, sometimes you need to click on the white arrow in the red box.

I hope you enjoy the updates to my art and life as presented in this blog. IF you don't like the political stuff and don't want to receive future blogs just say so, no hard feelings. So far, only five have taken me up on the offer. With that in mind, remember: BELOW THE FOLD is where (most) of the controversial stuff is placed. Sometimes stuff is a hybrid, say humor and political. Nevertheless, I do this blog for me, it clears my mind and then I do it to share stuff I think is interesting, fun, needed to be considered, etc. I like, also, the feedback I receive, either on a specific article or the concept in general. Right now there are about 70 of you who receive this directly. Claude


 Did this collage for a friend, new medium for me.

8 x 10” pastel of neighborhood pond. 

Interesting art app: Remove

 I used my finger to try it out, should work better on solid shapes.


Evening walk, the lower cloud mass was a storm east of here with lightening and everything

Morning walk


STL kids, remember? 

(Hate his politics, but this song cuts to the bone/soul

The link will take you to my favorite of his Regroovable

Fun video for a song I like a lot

An even funner video, Prophet live at Daryl Hall’s place
Link to Summertime Thing


These are the real-life parents in BlindSide movie


A lot of these are headlines for the parody site if you want to read the full hilarity...


 The staff wanted to boycott Elon because he made too much money? I guess they will pass on their next raise...

Real news...only in Saint Louis, right?   People voted for her😬



 Perfect example of “Fake News” controlling the narrative...what CNN viewers DON’T see, for example.



    If true knowledge of God depends upon immersion in the Holy Spirit, then that knowledge is a function of an entire form of life, involving prayer, self-denial, the corporal and spiritual works of mercy, and the forgiveness of one’s enemies. We don’t think our way to an understanding of God so much as we live our way to it.

Thomas Aquinas always said that he owed his theology far more to the persistence of his prayer than to the acuity of his mind. His penetration of the divine mystery flowed from his life in the Holy Spirit. And so today we pray, “Come, Holy Spirit, come!”

I have mentioned before - Jordan Peterson pointed out to me what Scripture meant when Jesus said he came to divide...son vs father, brother vs brother, etc. The Truth will divide. There are some things on which compromise will not work...human slavery, abortion, sex trafficking, real love vs. sex attraction.