Mainline Florida: Link to Mainline Florida.
I am making more use of links, music and visual. Click on them and then you might have a second link to search. Some locations, such as YouTube generate revenue for your "free" viewing by running ads, so be patient. On occasion there is a "skip ad" button. Sometimes it will load and start when you go there, sometimes you need to click on the white arrow in the red box.
I hope you enjoy the updates to my art and life as presented in this blog. IF you don't like the political stuff and don't want to receive future blogs just say so, no hard feelings. So far, only five have taken me up on the offer. With that in mind, remember: BELOW THE FOLD is where (most) of the controversial stuff is placed. Sometimes stuff is a hybrid, say humor and political. Nevertheless, I do this blog for me, it clears my mind and then I do it to share stuff I think is interesting, fun, needed to be considered, etc. I like, also, the feedback I receive, either on a specific article or the concept in general. Right now there are about 70 of you who receive this directly. Claude
Three, final tweaks, varnished and framed, all 8 x 10” oil |
6 in multi-artist show at MAC |
8 x 10” oil of one of our lakes |

A real artist studio
COVID isolation at work
Just the thought, have you ever been in love? Loved?
Mid-day walk.

Tall cloud
Watching Bitchin’ Rides…their products in a car show

Starting to read. Not for banning, but be aware of what you and your children/students are reading and provide a counter argument…

From a book review, displays media sloppiness or worse, dishonesty:

A great link on The Church and Racial Questions, The Catholic Thing A REALLY good article
Recently purchased
Half the people you see these days are talking on cell phones
Driving off the road & bumping into doors
People used to spend quite a bit of time alone
I guess nobody's lonely anymore
'Cept you & me babe 'cept you & me
It's raining sheets of rain everything is cold and wet
Nobody's going out of doors
They're all at home living it up on the internet
So i guess nobody's lonely any more
'Cept you and me babe 'cept you and me
People meet somebody new & they leave the rest behind
We can have it all even though our lives are short
The kids they'll get used to it it happens all the time
No one is even surprised any more
'Cept you and me babe 'cept you and me
I take my coffee black or with a little cream
I wake up every morning with the sun
I wanted to be your man that was nothing but a sweet dream
I always tell the truth to everyone
'Cept you and me babe 'cept you and me

From WSJ
Headlines from parody site Babylon Bee - you can go there for the full funny stories.
Ironic, sad, PC,

More sad than funny…


The article at their site has the complete list. Never mind, I’ll save you the trip…

Trump Sunday?
Some WSJ stuff:

I remember our mortgage lender saying we could sell these low grade loans off to investors, and our owner saying “we are not going to do that”.
Large student loan balance?

Dr. KEVIN SABET: It's affecting it in a huge way. First of all, marijuana is an extremely thirsty plant. It takes extreme amounts of water indoor and outdoor. Outdoor about twice as indoor to grow it. We are seeing major water depletion in states like California that are already struggling with water issues. And by the way, this is happening both the state's legal grows but also in the state illegal grows. It's not just an illegal problem. We are seeing huge electricity usage. The marijuana industry essentially consumes the same amount of electricity as the computer industry--as home computers. Everyone owning a home computer, or laptop, and using it in the house or apartment. It’s much more than even cars and energy-efficient cars. It’s like running your dishwasher every day three times. It's a big, big problem.
Of interest to the nonfatuous
was the track of real-world temperature changes. The IPCC estimates a rise of 1.1 degrees celsius in the past 150 years. This information, which it high- lighted in bold print, led the IPCC in much finer print to lop 0.5 degree Celsius off its likely worst-case impact of a doubling of atmospheric carbon dioxide.
In other words,
real-world warming, the IPCC finally acknowledges, has been less than that expected from its climate models. Beneath its alarmism, a new U.N. study adjusts downward its expected future warming risk.
What else was notable? In its sixth assessment report, as in the previous five, the IPCC failed to say global warming was leading to human extinction, though portraying climate change as an “existential threat” is now a Pavlovian word choice of many politicians.
We can model this too.
Green subsidies as now designed will have no effect on emissions and therefore no effect on climate change. But when the end of the world doesn’t materialize anyway, greens will credit themselves with the victory.
The big risks in the IPCC report are the known unknowns, the possibility of sudden tipping points in ice sheets or ocean circulation. But if buying insurance is sensible, green energy subsidies are not that insurance.
A widely noted simulation by two Princeton economists realistically finds such subsidies produce “a minuscule reduction in CO2 emission and temperatures” even over centuries because of the incentive to consume more energy overall.It’s hard not to come back to the obvious. We have so many taxes. A carbon tax could be enacted in a congenial way, to reduce taxation on work and investment.
If Republicans and Democrats each had a stake in such a modest tweak to our convoluted tax code, if the example of a pro-growth carbon tax caught on with other nations, emissions could have been lower decades ago.
But then the greatest mystery has been: If climate change is such a serious risk, and if activists care so much, why have their strategies all been designed to alienate and vilify potential allies? Why do they always seem to opt for short-term green pork over meaningful climate incentives?
The question should be put to Al Gore most of all. It was Mr. Gore who, on President Obama’s election, suddenly discovered the hard political work to implement carbon taxes wasn’t necessary. Hand-outs to renewable energy investors (like Mr. Gore) would fix the climate problem. When the subject is green fraudulence, many roads lead back to Mr. Gore.
Even making it to the Supreme Court…I read that you have this hurdle…the court receives, annually, approximately 10,000 petitions to seek a judicial review.

They were City of St Louis
police officers double dipping…they were fired from STLPD

Like your current gas prices?

Nuts, nuts, nuts
At first I thought this was a photo of Portland, Seattle, or Minneapolis…
College admission officers, you have been warned for when you receive their applications.
CNN Phonies: from Babylon Bee…
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