Mainline Florida: Link to Mainline Florida.
I am making more use of links, music and visual. Click on them and then you might have a second link to search. Some locations, such as YouTube generate revenue for your "free" viewing by running ads, so be patient. On occasion there is a "skip ad" button. Sometimes it will load and start when you go there, sometimes you need to click on the white arrow in the red box.
I hope you enjoy the updates to my art and life as presented in this blog. IF you don't like the political stuff and don't want to receive future blogs just say so, no hard feelings. So far, only five have taken me up on the offer. With that in mind, remember: BELOW THE FOLD is where (most) of the controversial stuff is placed. Sometimes stuff is a hybrid, say humor and political. Nevertheless, I do this blog for me, it clears my mind and then I do it to share stuff I think is interesting, fun, needed to be considered, etc. I like, also, the feedback I receive, either on a specific article or the concept in general. Right now there are about 70 of you who receive this directly. Claude
Playing around with apps…self portrait
Driving down the road Saturday morning…
As mentioned last blog, ART PURCHASED

Clyde Butchers’s print photo

Saw this and purchased a unique piece, when you move it, the photo is transformed from winter to summer. The artist took the photo from the same spot, using the same angle. LENTICULAR art by Michael Brown from the Chicago area.
Upcoming class at Bonita’s Fine Art Center
Class demonstration by Claudia Mengel of Connecticut, mixed media abstract…
She uses acrylic, paper, some painted by her, cloth, dryer sheets, pen, marker, scraping, whatever pushes her creative impulse. Above, upper right and lower left are approximately 4’ x 4’.
LISTENING: with a thanks to YouTube.
I am the son of a veteran, brother of a veteran, father of a veteran, class mate of veterans…this moves me every time. I tear up seeing widows hugging the grave marker, or camped out just being there, children wondering…
I’ve become a fan of this 80’s Scottish band. I would have loved to be in the creating/recording session, playing off the steady drum pattern, running with it.
Staying with The Rolling Stones…many think their best song is Gimmie Shelter. The best of the best is the original with Mary Clayton. Nevertheless, many of their live editions are hair raising, especially when they bring out “the mystery” replacement for Mary.
I think I will build up to the U2, Fergie show, early on is Lady Gaga, you can see her behind the amps before she emerges. You won’t be able to take your eyes off her platform heels. Some think Havana Moon is the best, I’ll let you decide.
Last but not least, and Edge plays his magical sound unique from Keith Richards, Bono joins in, might be too tame for this urgent anthem, but when Fergie steps up, YOW! LINK
Last, last 🤭 is a cover, it lacks the punch, however, how often do you get to see Keith Urban doing rock, and out comes…Alecia Keyes…Who cooked this one up?
Babylon Bee headlines

STL Connection

Are you kidding me? I attended the Clooney/Roberts romcom a month ago, there were 3 units in the whole theatre, two couples and one single? There is hardly anyone to charge a higher price…
This is why I say that there are those who have it much worse than do I

How sad is this?????
And, closer to home:
Original photo back in first week in October |
I shot on Tuesday, boats still piled high and laying where they should not be |
I miss the “hair” days
A follow up tp Jordan Peterson’s magnificent 12 Rules of Life

So this was interesting, from two separate emails the other day, approaching the same problems from different viewpoints, but it has become a BIG issue…Millennial’s deciding that NOW they want marriage and children…too often, its too late. Why did this happen? Observe what we told our children what was important, and what we downplayed. Shame on us.

A thank you to all who helped Linda’s project in 2022:
THIS STARTS OFF with one of the saddest entries in the New Testament, a head for the price of a dance by a young girl.
I’m thinking:
1. Lyin’ Eyes by the Eagles, look up the lyrics😂
2. Jill, you have no idea where his lips have been😳
3. Biden’s Dem’s are now the party of crazies…WTF😬
Could be up above in OTHER ART
Justice undone
This Should Make Your Blood Boil
If only we could get this publicized!!! Will the corruption ever end? So sad for our great country!
"CATL is the biggest lithium-ion battery manufacturer for EVs in the world". Biden wants every vehicle to be electric ... always follow the money for the answers..
Look up CATL, the Chinese-owned, lithium-battery company whose value has skyrocketed since Joe Biden took office.
Guess where there is a gold mine of lithium? You guessed it......Afghanistan!
Guess who owns 10% of CATL? You guessed it, Hunter Biden!
You're starting to see why ol' Pops was so quick to get us out of Afghanistan?
Taliban is set to make trillions on selling their lithium to China and the Biden’s stand to make billions!
ALWAYS follow the money...and you will find the answers to the baffling decisions they make!
And hundreds lost their lives during his botched pull-out, but he really doesn't care.
The Biden’s own 10% of a Chinese lithium ion battery company [Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited (CATL)] whose stock has soared.
Contemporary Amperex Technology Co. Limited, abbreviated as CATL, is a Chinese battery manufacturer and technology company founded in 2011 that specializes in the manufacturing of lithium-ion batteries for electric vehicles and energy storage systems, as well as battery management systems.
This should also explain why the Obama/Biden administration has shut down America's independence of energy and is pushing SO HARD to force electric automobiles down American's throats.
Makes you want to cry, I’m afraid this country is toast.
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