The link to my website: Claude Lyles Art Works , recently updated. Best view is on your desktop, tablet or laptop; if, however, you view on your phone, the menu is in the "hamburger" in the upper left of the opening screen. It will give you several viewing options.
My only social media is Instagram. I use it to keep track of all the wonderful art being created every day, all around the world. You can see a more current version of my comings and goings, art in progress, friends visiting SW Florida, etc. It is listed under estudiocieloazul .
Reminder that you can click on photos to enlarge and pinch open even further. And, if you are curious about possibly purchasing a piece, contact me and I will quote you a price either framed or unframed. They are surprisingly affordable. I sold another piece last week. It made me happy to make them happy.
New Feature: I create this blog because it is fun for me; I want to share my art with you and, in most cases, I live far, far, away; I might as well share what else I am up to; as most of you know, I like to laugh and find humor in a lot of things going on in the world. I am not a standup comedian who lives on the edge, however. Lastly, like most Americans, I care for our country and a concern for how some things are headed. Since it is my blog, I get to express my feelings. And, I have offered to delete you from my mailing list if it "greatly offends" you as my only cancellation stated (I thought she was a lot tougher woman than that). Several wished I would be nice - accurate doesn't matter, just nice. Some let me know they have a different political bent which I would expect since the country is roughly 50/50 right now on almost any topic. Nor does that bother me. I have a different political bent/you have a different political bent. Let's keep hanging out. SO...I have created Below The Fold so that you can stop reading at that point and only proceed at your own peril. To all of you (almost everyone) who tell me to keep it coming, Thanks.
New Feature: I create this blog because it is fun for me; I want to share my art with you and, in most cases, I live far, far, away; I might as well share what else I am up to; as most of you know, I like to laugh and find humor in a lot of things going on in the world. I am not a standup comedian who lives on the edge, however. Lastly, like most Americans, I care for our country and a concern for how some things are headed. Since it is my blog, I get to express my feelings. And, I have offered to delete you from my mailing list if it "greatly offends" you as my only cancellation stated (I thought she was a lot tougher woman than that). Several wished I would be nice - accurate doesn't matter, just nice. Some let me know they have a different political bent which I would expect since the country is roughly 50/50 right now on almost any topic. Nor does that bother me. I have a different political bent/you have a different political bent. Let's keep hanging out. SO...I have created Below The Fold so that you can stop reading at that point and only proceed at your own peril. To all of you (almost everyone) who tell me to keep it coming, Thanks.
New Art: The first two pieces are oil on canvas board, 12 x 9". Each let me work on a specific technique, trying to pull it all together for a wonderful, finished on site piece one day.
Update - No ribbon in the Punta Gorda show. Lots of great art. Maybe I'll sell one; that's better than a ribbon. Another artist sold at the opening night reception.
Interesting Photographs:
Growing up in Louisville, Cassius Clay loved to go to Churchill Downs. I don't have a copy, but recently saw a photo of him, as a teen riding (fast) a thoroughbred along a straightaway at the track.

From time-to-time I mention my volunteer work. This photo is from one of my favorites, the United Way Allocation Committee. In our area, 25 teams each interview three agencies receiving UW funds. We review their financials, talk to the board, listen to their current story, tour their facility (if they have one) and consider their funding request for next year. After the tour, we assemble over a luncheon and talk about it, then make a recommendation. There are some rules and guidelines for us to follow. Then UW management accumulates the request and recommendations and sets the fundraising goal for the subsequent year. We assist the community, serve as a conduit for funds, and personally it allows me to dive deeper into the FtM community. And, I meet a lot of great volunteers. For my STL friends...the largest corporate participant is not Publix (2nd place) but Enterprise Leasing, by far. I think there were 25 from that group this year. As I meet them I always ask them if they have been to the Home Office. I have heard a couple of interesting stories.
Dominic made this:
Really an ingenious plan. Each side panel is latched so it can easily be broken down for travel. Same with the bar and the top section supporting the taps. Tubing and kegs fit underneath. I just wish he hadn't started the project a week before the wedding :)
Greg made this:
Some of you know the story of my uncle Joe. Recently his grade school discussed his accomplishment during an amazing career as player, coach, teacher, and well-known resident for 50+ years in Lexington VA.
And, this one hurts. Craig Biesterfeld and I worked together during my days at Mizzou, in the shoe department at JC Penny in Columbia. He was finishing up at Westminster in Fulton, had a bride and young son, applying to get into law school. His father was a JCP store manager in Hannibal. I believe Craig was accepted to Michigan Law and several other prestigious schools but decided to stay in town and graduated from Mizzou Law. During our time at work we had many deep conversations about our pending futures, where and how we wanted to go forward in life. And, many laughs and fun stories. I lost track of him as I travelled but met up with him when his son and my son ended up in the same class at Chaminade. He also represented some of my clients as a municipal attorney when I worked for banks located in Maplewood and Brentwood. Moreover, he allowed me to refer the daughter of a friend to his law firm to intern as she was graduating from law school. It worked out well for Craig and the intern, which her father has never stopped thanking me. Which makes me smile. Craig died recently. He was a wonderful friend to me. I hope he is ok now. Just had to say this. Thanks for listening.
Interesting Reading:
Listening To:
Varese Sarabande: A 35th Anniversary Collection of soundtrack singles. A nice change of pace.
Concern: I have read that Apple is changing big-time, iTunes...I like iTunes, and, they will owe me $35 that is in my bank.
Working on a Colorado trip, maybe in August.
*****************BELOW THE FOLD*****************************Warning, Warning
What is on my mind (and bothering me)?
As good a way to start as any...

Recently I read that the NYT criticized CNN and MSNBC for being too partisan. NYT wants to limit their journalists from participating with and appearing on their "news" shows. Best comment I ran across was "Does anyone at the NY Times read the NY Times?" Calling another group partisan???


I don't understand how a woman thinks it is her right to pay adoctor hitman to kill her unborn daughter. I once asked a friend and client who, with his wife, produced the first in vitro child to be conceived and born in Saint Louis "Was there ever a time, a day, when she was not your daughter, since you knew exactly when she was conceived?" He quietly said "No, and that is why I can not talk about abortion with my friends." I could tell that it was a painful conclusion as he was pretty active in the Jewish community and almost every one of his friends thought it was ok to kill their unborn child.
This will not be in every blog, from time-to-time it will be.
Ultimately, Its All About TheBase Baby, right? No matter how she is conceived, through love, unplanned, incest, or rape, she doesn't deserve to be killed. If the father takes off and leaves an almost helpless girl with child, her son does not deserve to be killed. Couples are begging to adopt, they go oversees and take great risks to do so because there are not enough candidates in the US. A mother who is afraid, wants a better economic life, wants to travel or go to college without a child...the baby does not deserve to be killed. Furthermore, there is an even more sinister use of abortion - it is the best friend of pimps and sex traffickers whose girls get pregnant. I have never heard of PP reporting this to the police. And, it is a baby, not a cluster of cells, an unformed future thing. Today, convicted criminals (NY for example) and pets have more rights than the child.
In reading The First Congress it was quite noticeable that the slavery issue didn't just start some years before The War Between The States. It was ever present in almost every discussion and affecting almost every decision by the Founders as they worked on the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. Angry discussions took place here as they did in society, North and South. Compromises were made in many areas and laws to appease one side or the other. What we call The Civil War was not about states rights, it was about one thing, the humanity of blacks imported from Africa, by whites and other blacks, by the way. The courts, as you know, initially ruled they were not humans, then 3/5ths human/holders of rights. Then subsequent battles in society and the courts into the 1960's. While there are far fewer "racists" in America than some think, there are still prejudices that linger, not all intentional. My point is, it was and is a long, long, long "battle", brutal at times, causing this nation to tear apart, but one that is being solved. So is/will be the battle on behalf of the defenseless unborn children be. Recently there was a child born at 23 weeks and is healthy. Think about that when you say an unborn child is not viable.
In the 80's we were at a dinner party with the Chief Medical Officer for a nearby county. It was a splendid affair in the Central West End with waiters and a chef. Somehow the discussion turned to abortion and she said something profound (it has been a while so I am not quoting): One day our future generations will look on the abortion atrocities like we look on the Germans and the holocaust. How could they...why didn't anyone speak up...what were the other countries not doing. The Jews, gypsies, homosexuals, they were human - not less than human as the Nazis professed. Well, then there were Germans, many Catholic and Lutheran Priests and nuns who were arrested and executed for assisting Jews to escape, or even just speaking out, hiding people. One of the reasons this country went to war with Germany, though not officially maybe, was to end that atrocity. Read the many accounts of our troops who rescued those in the camps. And, there was a reason we decided to make a choice between two "devils" - Nazis or Communists, and it wasn't solely geographical or military strength. Of course, we soon found out that communist regimes kill adults who don't agree with the party line, didn't we? My point is, Germany went through decades of societal guilt which affected many, many political decisions over the years.
Because the pro-life movement is true, and right, and holy, it will prevail in this country, first in the US then most of the world. It has been and will continue to be a long, long, long episode. The effect on our society may get worse. We must always act in a humble, holy, forgiving manner, but act we must. I don't think we need to be in "their" face. Hold a sign if you must. But, pay attention for whom you vote. Speak up when it is appropriate. Ask God to guide you. And if appropriate, to forgive you, even if it is only for supporting abortion "rights". I did for a while in my misguided young adult hood. I thought I was a feminist guy. Amen.
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Powell Creek Preserve - Fri AM group. I thought I was going to suffer heat stroke that day. Whew. |
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Courtyard of Unitarian Universal church, finished in my studio. |
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Sketch outside our development gate along the Longitudinal Park (6 miles, straight as an arrow.) |
Interesting Photographs:
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Classic Photo. |
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my lanai, just an interesting play of light |

From time-to-time I mention my volunteer work. This photo is from one of my favorites, the United Way Allocation Committee. In our area, 25 teams each interview three agencies receiving UW funds. We review their financials, talk to the board, listen to their current story, tour their facility (if they have one) and consider their funding request for next year. After the tour, we assemble over a luncheon and talk about it, then make a recommendation. There are some rules and guidelines for us to follow. Then UW management accumulates the request and recommendations and sets the fundraising goal for the subsequent year. We assist the community, serve as a conduit for funds, and personally it allows me to dive deeper into the FtM community. And, I meet a lot of great volunteers. For my STL friends...the largest corporate participant is not Publix (2nd place) but Enterprise Leasing, by far. I think there were 25 from that group this year. As I meet them I always ask them if they have been to the Home Office. I have heard a couple of interesting stories.
Dominic made this:

Greg made this:
Some of you know the story of my uncle Joe. Recently his grade school discussed his accomplishment during an amazing career as player, coach, teacher, and well-known resident for 50+ years in Lexington VA.
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click on to better read |
And, this one hurts. Craig Biesterfeld and I worked together during my days at Mizzou, in the shoe department at JC Penny in Columbia. He was finishing up at Westminster in Fulton, had a bride and young son, applying to get into law school. His father was a JCP store manager in Hannibal. I believe Craig was accepted to Michigan Law and several other prestigious schools but decided to stay in town and graduated from Mizzou Law. During our time at work we had many deep conversations about our pending futures, where and how we wanted to go forward in life. And, many laughs and fun stories. I lost track of him as I travelled but met up with him when his son and my son ended up in the same class at Chaminade. He also represented some of my clients as a municipal attorney when I worked for banks located in Maplewood and Brentwood. Moreover, he allowed me to refer the daughter of a friend to his law firm to intern as she was graduating from law school. It worked out well for Craig and the intern, which her father has never stopped thanking me. Which makes me smile. Craig died recently. He was a wonderful friend to me. I hope he is ok now. Just had to say this. Thanks for listening.
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1790 was a LOOOONG time ago . |
Listening To:
Varese Sarabande: A 35th Anniversary Collection of soundtrack singles. A nice change of pace.
Concern: I have read that Apple is changing big-time, iTunes...I like iTunes, and, they will owe me $35 that is in my bank.
Working on a Colorado trip, maybe in August.
*****************BELOW THE FOLD*****************************Warning, Warning
What is on my mind (and bothering me)?
As good a way to start as any...
Thanks to The Babylon Bee for these satirical headlines. The full story that accompanies them can be pretty funny/biting. Their link Babylon Bee


I don't understand how a woman thinks it is her right to pay a
This will not be in every blog, from time-to-time it will be.
Ultimately, Its All About The
In reading The First Congress it was quite noticeable that the slavery issue didn't just start some years before The War Between The States. It was ever present in almost every discussion and affecting almost every decision by the Founders as they worked on the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. Angry discussions took place here as they did in society, North and South. Compromises were made in many areas and laws to appease one side or the other. What we call The Civil War was not about states rights, it was about one thing, the humanity of blacks imported from Africa, by whites and other blacks, by the way. The courts, as you know, initially ruled they were not humans, then 3/5ths human/holders of rights. Then subsequent battles in society and the courts into the 1960's. While there are far fewer "racists" in America than some think, there are still prejudices that linger, not all intentional. My point is, it was and is a long, long, long "battle", brutal at times, causing this nation to tear apart, but one that is being solved. So is/will be the battle on behalf of the defenseless unborn children be. Recently there was a child born at 23 weeks and is healthy. Think about that when you say an unborn child is not viable.
In the 80's we were at a dinner party with the Chief Medical Officer for a nearby county. It was a splendid affair in the Central West End with waiters and a chef. Somehow the discussion turned to abortion and she said something profound (it has been a while so I am not quoting): One day our future generations will look on the abortion atrocities like we look on the Germans and the holocaust. How could they...why didn't anyone speak up...what were the other countries not doing. The Jews, gypsies, homosexuals, they were human - not less than human as the Nazis professed. Well, then there were Germans, many Catholic and Lutheran Priests and nuns who were arrested and executed for assisting Jews to escape, or even just speaking out, hiding people. One of the reasons this country went to war with Germany, though not officially maybe, was to end that atrocity. Read the many accounts of our troops who rescued those in the camps. And, there was a reason we decided to make a choice between two "devils" - Nazis or Communists, and it wasn't solely geographical or military strength. Of course, we soon found out that communist regimes kill adults who don't agree with the party line, didn't we? My point is, Germany went through decades of societal guilt which affected many, many political decisions over the years.
Because the pro-life movement is true, and right, and holy, it will prevail in this country, first in the US then most of the world. It has been and will continue to be a long, long, long episode. The effect on our society may get worse. We must always act in a humble, holy, forgiving manner, but act we must. I don't think we need to be in "their" face. Hold a sign if you must. But, pay attention for whom you vote. Speak up when it is appropriate. Ask God to guide you. And if appropriate, to forgive you, even if it is only for supporting abortion "rights". I did for a while in my misguided young adult hood. I thought I was a feminist guy. Amen.
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