Tuesday, November 10, 2020

November with New art, Music, reading, very limited political.

 I am making more use of links: music and visual. Click on them and then you might have a second link to search. Some locations, such as YouTube generate revenue for your "free" viewing by running ads, so be patient. On occasion there is a "skip ad" button. Sometimes it will load and start when you go there, sometimes you need to click on the white arrow in the red box.

IF you don’t want to SLOG Through the BLOG...I keep my Instagram page to mostly art and photos of my family and travel.


An important note: I work on this blog for one person - ME; I love sharing it with about 60 friends, relatives, and acquaintances in the States and in Europe. 

With this in mind, I hope you enjoy the updates to my art and life as presented in this blog. IF you don't like the political stuff and don't want to receive future blogs just say so, no hard feelings. So far, only  four have taken me up on the offer. With that in mind, remember:

Below the Fold below is where lies controversial stuff, if you don't want to go there, stay above.
And now, Ladies and Gentlemen, I present:

New Art:

 Tweaked, oil on 8 x 10” canvas board

 Utah near Bryce Canyon 8 x 10” oil on wrapped canvas. 

Little larger than 8 x 10: but I can mat to exact size, Stanley Hotel in Estes Park, CO from my photo, oil on canvas pad, matted ready for framing. 
 One of my favorite artists, still painting and playing tennis 

Photos I really, really like...

 Earth and the moon

   Brain synapsis

 Art Humor

 What is this? Art?

Florida: My neighbor Holly took this photo recently during evening walk down Bell Tower Blvd. Stunning...enlarge it.

A real treasure 45 minutes south of my house:

Walter Williams writes. One of my favorite economists. Look him up. 

THIS is important, too: Critical race theory (CRT) promotes the idea that our society is controlled by inherently racist white people and, therefore, people of color are systemically oppressed in all sorts of ways. Naturally, this feeds racist sentiments among minorities. But researcher Christopher Schorr recently released his findings on CRT's impact on white Americans, and what he found is that, contrary to the claims of its leftist proponents, CRT actually produces what it claims to fight against — white nationalists and white identitarians.

To put it another way, CRT's redefinition of racism to mean prejudice plus power and its rewriting of American history as primarily an expression of white supremacy have only served to increase the number of white Americans who react by describing their white identity as "very" or "extremely" important.
Attacking someone primarily on account of their immutable racial characteristic is what most Americans accurately interpret as racism. And the result will be to produce a defensiveness associated with one's race and an increased awareness of one's racial identity.

In this regard, CRT does exactly what it was designed to do. It breaks down and destroys the social foundations of a nation and culture in order to pave the way for a Marxist revolution and the reforming of society. The Left is using CRT to intentionally destroy any semblance of a cohesive and collective American identity and experience that transcend race. CRT proponents preach that an individual's racial identity is more important than one's national identity and that concern for racial supremacy is the primary motive behind all white Americans' political and cultural concerns.

Schorr further observes that when white Americans are exposed to anti-CRT information, their tendency to hold tightly to their racial identity declines. He writes: "High white-identifiers were more willing to restrict American identity to those with 'American ancestry' (8 percent), but they also expressed 14 percent greater agreement that 'racial minorities are, on average, just as patriotic as white Americans.' Crucially, white conservative ethnocentrism dropped 24 percent. Thus, findings from both 'conservative' primes offered cause for optimism whereas findings from the critical prime were more consistently undesirable."

CRT attacks the civil rights movement's goal of a colorblind American society as "racist" precisely because colorblindness undercuts the racial-identity motif needed for CRT to function. The great irony is that CRT's "anti-racism" creed promotes the very racial stereotypes it claims to oppose, whether among minorities who buy into it or among whites who rebel against it. CRT is the proverbial wolf in sheep's clothing, sneaking in to destroy the sheep, not protect them.

Review of what sounds like a great biography:

 Almost the same subject matter as Scalia speaks which I enjoyed. 

 Al Hitchcock’s superb directional film, fully using Bergman and Grant’s star power, post war concerns, black and white composition, kept it short...really enjoyed this one. 
The first time you see who was considered Hollywood’s most handsome man in 1946, it is from behind, silhouetted, pause...you want the camera to go around and show his face, what is he thinking, what will he say, why is he in the shot?

 Revisited this one. Visually stunning (especially in Blue Ray) but sad. Bill must have written his lines, they are so Murray.

Not watching, but keeping an eye on the Dragons (march to state title?)

Picked this up because Roberta Flack joined him on one song; well, the whole album is pretty darn good.

 At 15, you heard me correctly, she entered Howard University and graduated at 18 or 19; at that age I was still trying to learn how to tie my shoes...the woman who co-wrote Killing Me Softly was in a bar and she felt that the musician on stage was looking right into her essence, being. Thankfully she wrote down a whole verse.

 Women covering Tom Waits. Nice. 

You tube links for Spencer Davis who recently died at the age of 81.YouTube might ask if you want to re-direct to their video page, yes you do, then you can return here.

Link to live 1967 Gimme Some Lovin
Great for dancing. Sing-along, stage

Live link to Somebody Help Me, German AB
Our American Bandstand had blacks back then, this German version, all white. Just saying, they say we are such racists...

So, this is a great derivative with Winnwood and Slash
Link to live Hey Joe.       They loved it then, I guess NOW the liberals don’t like a gun song...too bad.

What happens when you get old...

No comment

Time To Get Serious about what we are doing in this country, Not Political.

    HAIL MARY FULL OF GRACE, and so everything changed with her “fiat”. How much longer will God allow the U.S. to kill babies? How can a woman pay someone to kill the child inside her, and vacuum it out to be incinerated or put up for a parts sale? May God have mercy on this country he has so blessed. 

This is what my foolish liberal friends, siblings, neighbors voted for in this regard...

Joe and PP:            

They hate a pro-life President and Vice President more than the lives created by God. Stunning. I can’t imagine the shame to be felt when Biden and Harris stand before He who is the judge of the living and the dead. I have my own sins; I have asked for forgiveness, received absolution, done penance, and try to live it right. I hope they figure it out, and soon.  

And, to the women and men who have gone down this road, ask for forgiveness, try to make things right, don’t give up the fight. Thankfully, our youth seem to be getting the message. There is hope. 

 Below The Fold---------------------------------------

Or, as I have learned from your input, Preaching To The Choir vs Unbelievers
Enter at your own risk:

No comment...well, that was yesterday day:

I did see where Pompeo assured us that President Trump would participate and support a smooth transition into his second term:)

 Liberal is Latin for “phoney” I’ve been told.

 As I was saying, me too.

Well, yea. Minorities are finally figuring it out.

Remember you can see all of the prior blogs, also in archive. 

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