I am making more use of links: music and visual. Click on them and then you might have a second link to search. Some locations, such as YouTube generate revenue for your "free" viewing by running ads, so be patient. On occasion there is a "skip ad" button. Sometimes it will load and start when you go there, sometimes you need to click on the white arrow in the red box.
IF you don’t want to SLOG Through the BLOG...I keep my Instagram page to mostly art and photos of my family and travel.
An important note: I work on this blog for one person - ME; I love sharing it with about 60 friends, relatives, and acquaintances in the States and in Europe.
With this in mind, I hope you enjoy the updates to my art and life as presented in this blog. IF you don't like the political stuff and don't want to receive future blogs just say so, no hard feelings. So far, only four have taken me up on the offer. With that in mind, remember:
Below the Fold below is where lies controversial stuff, if you don't want to go there, stay above.
And now, Ladies and Gentlemen, I present:
New Art:
Finished, 9 x 11” oil on canvas pad from a photo taken during my son’s flight over 10,000 Islands Florida.
Current view of my gallery wall in the great room. You should be able to pinch open to get a better view of the paintings.
Not my work, I just want to share it with you, saw it on Instagram. Love it.
(Very) early walk in the neighborhood.
Photos I Like:
Remembering Eastern Airlines and The DC3. Exciting travel after the war.
We usually see the top figure, the side view...when viewed from the top, notice how thin the fuselage is...not much there. These pilots have an awful lot of courage, in my opinion.

Runnin’ Hot
I just like the photography of this magazine ad. The colors, the shapes, the item.
This is almost unbelievable...

Fascinating read with so much overlap. I’ll try to cover this in the next blog.
Re-view this one:
2003; Tim Burton should have received more than a nomination for Best Director. This movie was set in the current Millbrook, AL, with a theme of reconciliation between a dying father (Albert Finney and his son ( Billy Crudup adult son) in a series of fairy tale vignettes evoking the tone of a Southern Gothic fantasy. I thought of my earlier review of Millions, and Forest Gump. Very inventive, You, as in all good movies, get lost in the story and forget where you are while viewing. Jessica Lange, so touching as a loving mother and wife. Helena Bonham Carter, Ewan McGregor, Robert Guillaume, Marion Cotillard, Steve Buscemi and Danny DeVito - maybe you've heard of these cast members. The final credit roll to an original for the Movie - Man of the Hour by Pearl Jam. In the next blog you will read about Crudup's interaction with Peter Frampton, and of course, PF and two of Pearl Jam's musicians later played in PF's touring band.Reading that and reference to the song in PF's bio is what spurred me to check this out 17 years later. I can't believe I did not recall most of this film until I watched last week, but came to really appreciate it.

I didn’t know he was from Saint Louis...Just completed a pretty good editing/producing of a famous editing/producer.
I feel sooooooooo bad for the Jayhawks: NOT
Of Interest:
Some of my earliest Cardinal memories are from Lindy
Below The Fold---------------------------------------Or, as I have learned from your input, Preaching To The Choir vs Unbelievers
Enter at your own risk:
Not sure who For America is but they have a sense of humor, or maybe not so funny. Gonna take advantage of our clueless, demented president-elect. Wait, is that Hunter in the hot tub also? Yikes.

So, we have the Russian ambassador with whom President Trump was falsely accused of colluding, Biden’s new press secretary (in the pink commie hat), and our new climate czar, John (living on his wife’s millions) Kerry. Aka loser.

Remember how the “press” got all over President Trump for lack of social distancing? What a bunch of phoneys. Let’s include California politicians while we are at it.
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