An important note: I work on this blog for one person - ME; I love sharing it with about 60 friends, relatives, and acquaintances in the States and in Europe.
With this in mind, I hope you enjoy the updates to my art and life as presented in this blog. IF you don't like the political stuff and don't want to receive future blogs just say so, no hard feelings. So far, only four have taken me up on the offer. With that in mind, remember:
Below the Fold below is where lies controversial stuff, if you don't want to go there, stay above.
And now, Ladies and Gentlemen, I present:
New Art:
20 x 16" oil on canvas board from on of my old photos: Remember That Cold Day Above The Rio Grande?
20 x 16" oil on canvas board from one of my old photos shot somewhere in AZ.
Guache on watercolor paper, 12 x 9" for photo taken of Stanley Hotel in Estes Park, CO.
Last blog I displayed the painting of the Stanley Hotel, which is the top piece in this photo, then I tried something new; I took the original to a commercial printer and supplied watercolor paper. We printed several sizes on, in effect cards to sell in Estes for say $20 - $30, the buyer frames or whatever. I signed and numbered each...we’ll see how this successful it is. If you are interested, contact me.
I still can't get used to the Florida growing season, These U-Pick 'EM tomatoes were planted in early November, ready this week, will be gone by the end of April. They plant several rows every other week to extend the picking season. About $1 less per pound than the ones in the bin with the other vegetables and fruit, I think their primary farm is near Arcadia, about an hour north of here. I enjoy walking the rows and choosing just the right one.
Recently I took a morning walk while Linda was at the doctor, this is Lakes Parks, about one mile from the house.
Florida in Christmas, I mean Christmas in Florida:
A Jeep, all lit up near our house.
Modern Santa Sleigh CAR - Candy Apple Red in my neighbor’s space.

Luncheon in Punta Gorda.
Not Florida, but great photos:
This is my screen on the iPad, taken at the NASA center on the other coast. The Atlantis is hanging from the ceiling with the black paint it makes for a realistic shot. An absolute must day trip if you come to visit us.
Just thought a rich guy page on Instagram was fun, there was another in Black, and one in red.

Season turned out better than I thought. When Alabama scored 38 in game One - Yikes!, as of when I type this, 38 is the fewest points ‘Bama has scored in a game this season. Who knew?
Music link
Some shots walking the neighborhood at different times.

Yes, that is a gator-drawn sleigh.
HOF - One amazing stat after another. Some I have discussed in earlier blogs but...Steve Carlton won 46% of the Phillies' victories one year, Ralph Kiner was the National League's home run champion as a rookie...and for the next six years; for all his greatness, Koufax did nothing for his first five years, then was great...and retired at 30. I forgot that Dave Winfield never played in the minors after being drafted also by the NFL and the NBA, oh yea, pitched for the Minnesota Gophers in the College World Series. It goes on and on.
Two seam, four seam, now you know.

Peter Frampton bio from last blog...interesting stuff. All of the musicians, the back stories, some technical stuff. Two classes behind Davey Jones aka David Bowie. Was a consultant on a movie - Almost Famous - where he had three weeks to bring an actor up to speed to appear to be playing lead guitar on stage...thurns our to be Billy Crudup, same as in Big Fish. (Previous blog).
Typical story, manager stole most of his money over the years... being a banker and on several occasions executor or trustee: pay attention, ask questions if something looks out of place AND ALWAYs hire YOUR attorney and YOUR accountant, they report to you. Anyway, his manager stole about 10 years of publishing money in part because he was tied to the mafia. From my own stories, there is more mafia involvement than you would guess, especially who plays where and when.
Unintended consequences? Biden said he was going to raise capital gains taxes, so...

Dylan has done the same.
Just how much $ do they make?

Do you think you just record on a 4-track tape reel at home? Not that simple...

How much money are we talking about?
Or when Keith Richards thanked PF for including Jumpin' Jack Flash on Frampton Comes Alive! "Thanks, you (helped?) pay for my new house."
A woman and a DJ combined her singing Baby I Love Your Way and Free Bird...first, her attorney did not structure the publishing rights correctly and she paid twice what she should have, one to PF and one to Lynyrd Skynyrd. Second, after fees, etc., PF received $500,000 for his share.
That's nothing, In two years, Frampton Comes Alive! (unexpectedly) becomes the all-time selling album, I think it is still the all-time selling live album. It took Carol King years and years to make Tapestry number one, he passed it in two. After 10 years of nickel and dime shows, traveling with a crew of one, traveling in cars, busses, staying in lousy hotels, etc. i.e., "paying his dues", his first royalty check in his hand...$1,000,000. I repeat, how much are we talking about?
Last advice from PF: Do the drugs and alcohol AFTER the show. He suggested re-viewing The Concert For Bangladesh to see "them" propping Eric Clapton up against the amps so he can continue to play.
Another early video, I remember Suspicion when it played on the juke box at teen swim trips...
So, as usual, one thing leads to another, so I found some great live videos...
Some think When The Levee Breaks is LZ's strongest song. On the official recording, the drum intro and the harmonica lead-in are amazing. Listen to it. The original recording, link has 5 second ad This is the link to what makes this song great. There was a lot of discussion on how they recorded the drums...two mikes, one hanging from a balcony, etc. and many questioned the harmonica. Some thought it was an electronic trick from Jimmy Page's guitar. They said Plant never played it in public so it must be true. Well, here is a video where in a club, low-and-behold Robert Plant is in the audience and they call him up to do this. They must have known he would be there because the band on stage did a pretty good job backing him up, but play the harmonica he did...This is the link
If you like this, there was a cable show Artist’s Den from Nashville; this is a 1:16 minute with Robert Plant, Buddy Miller, and Patti Griffin...very good This is the link, enjoy
Last version of my favorite Stones' song Gimmie Shelter. It captures the excitement of a live performance, not just for the audience but the rush for the band. Mary Clayton's replacement just as good. Yes, (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction was an amazing intro to the world of The Rolling Stones, High Tide and Green Grass a super album, but...Gimmie Shelter - PLEASE. This is the YouTube link, with a 5 second ad
Listening to Thomas Dolby’s The Golden Age Of Wireless. Radio Silence, Airwaves.
Observe radio silence observe
Radio silence observed radio silence
Maintain radio silence throughout
Caroline 4 5 2
Rest In Peace...I have made reference to Walter Williams many times in my blogs. He died, unexpectedly recently:

Walter Williams wisdom: Let’s have a thought experiment to consider just how much Americans sanction evil. Imagine there are several elderly widows in your neighborhood. They have neither the strength to mow their lawns, clean their windows and perform other household tasks nor the financial means to hire someone to help them. Here's a question that I'm almost afraid to ask: Would you support a government mandate that forces you or one of your neighbors to mow these elderly widows' lawns, clean their windows and perform other household tasks? Moreover, if the person so ordered failed to obey the government mandate, would you approve of some sort of sanction, such as fines, property confiscation or imprisonment? I'm hoping, and I believe, that most of my fellow Americans would condemn such a mandate. They'd agree that it would be a form of slavery — namely, the forcible use of one person to serve the purposes of another.Would there be the same condemnation if, instead of forcing you or your neighbor to actually perform weekly household tasks for the elderly widows, the government forced you or your neighbor to give one of the widows $50 to hire someone to mow their lawns and perform other household tasks. This collective mechanism makes the particular victim invisible, but it doesn't change the fact that a person is being forcibly used to serve the purposes of others. Putting the money into a government pot simply conceals an act that would otherwise be deemed morally depraved.
PSA: Aging Life Care Association...if you are interested...Go as fast as you can, have to beat all of your competitors, no time left, they’ve trained for years, go fast, go down, faster.
Below The Fold-------------------------------------Or, as I have learned from your input, Preaching To The Choir vs Unbelievers Enter at your own risk:
Those of you who voted for Biden/Harris, do you realize what harm you have inflicted on this country? Let’s start here...
He is a Democratic "Moderate" - they don't exist
From Archbishop Chaput:
Joe Biden is expected to nominate California Attorney General Xavier Becerra for the secretary of Health and Human Services. In California, Becerra sued the Little Sisters of the Poor, fought against the team who exposed Planned Parenthood’s body parts trade, and tried to strip conscience protections away from doctors and nurses.
The elephant in the room...still.
If GOP loses Georgia...
What they don't tell you...It went all of 35 yards - ANYBODY on the team could have kicked the second half kick-off 35 yards. Even the Water boy girl person, who knows what gender it she he they might be?
Thought for you:
DR Jill Biden

The issue wasn't an attack on women, or this woman, if you read the dissertation, terrible grammar, inane subject, poor arithmetic. The school should be embarrassed. And the press keeps insisting that Dr. Ben Carson is not a real doctor...
Link to read summary:
Sad, and then there is his earlier weird comments on civil unions for homosexuals. What is with this guy?
Just sayin'

Look at all the cars in our poor neighborhoods in this country...when will they get their Tesla? I guess when you increase your tax payments so the gov can distribute.
Biden's pledge of unity and president for Democrats AND Republicans. If you are paying attention, his list of Obama retreads and wack jobs, not just yikes, they won't get through senate approval.
Different angle on the above article, I’m hearing this A LOT...
Here is my little bitty small issue with the whole, let us all be a “United States” again, from Joe Biden.
For the last 4+ years, the Democrats have gone scorched earth
You have salted the fields and now you want to grow crops.
The problem is we have memories longer than a hamster
We remember the protests the day of/after inauguration.
We remember the 4 years of personal attacks
We remember “not our president” and the “Resistance…”
We remember being called racist and evil
We remember Maxine Walters telling followers to harass Trump supporters in
department stores and gas stations.
We remember the President's press secretary being chased out of a restaurant.
We remember hundreds of Trump supporters being physically attacked.
We remember Trump supporters getting Doxed, and fired from jobs.
We remember riots, and looting
We remember a liberal "comedian” holding up the President’s severed head
We remember a play in Central park paid with public funding, showing the killing of President Trump
We remember Robert de Niro yelling “Fuck Trump” at the Tony’s and getting a standing ovation.
We remember Trump being accused of being a Russian spy and the media going with it
We remember Nancy Pelosi tearing up the State of the Union Address.
We remember how totally in the tank the mainstream media was in opposition
We remember the non-stop and live fact checking on our President and his supporters.
We remember non-stop in your face lies and open cover-ups from the media.
We remember the partisan impeachment
We remember the President and his staff being spied on.
We remember Republican congressmen shot on a ball field.
We remember every so-called comedy show turn into nothing but Trump hate fest.
We remember 95% negative coverage in the news.
We remember the state governors asking for and getting everything they wanted to address Covid then blaming Trump
We remember leftists threatening outside the homes of prominent Republicans
We remember the attempted destruction of Brett Kavanaugh
We remember people pounding on the Supreme Court doors.
We remember that we were called every name in the book for supporting President Trump.
We remember that many in Hollywood said they would leave after Trump was elected, but they stayed anyway.
This list is endless, but you get the idea.
That’s enough rambling for now.
Remember you can see all of the prior blogs, also in archive
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