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The Colonel decided that he didn’t want Elvis to open, as first act in the new International in case the construction work, sound, lighting, etc., was not ready so they booked Barbara Streisand and sure enough, she had various stage issues. And, her NY club act did not go over well. The hotel and her team coached her up, changed the set list and in the end it worked out, but it took its toll on her.

The lot of the wicked and the good
Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth (Matthew 5:5).
Do not fret because of the wicked;
do not envy those who do evil:
for they wither quickly like grass
and fade like the green of the fields.
If you trust in the Lord and do good,
then you will live in the land and be secure.
If you find your delight in the Lord,
he will grant your heart’s desire.
Commit your life to the Lord,
trust in him and he will act,
so that your justice breaks forth like the light,
your cause like the noon-day sun.
Be still before the Lord and wait in patience;
do not fret at the man who prospers;
a man who makes evil plots
to bring down the needy and the poor.
Calm your anger and forget your rage;
do not fret, it only leads to evil.
For those who do evil shall perish;
the patient shall inherit the land.
A little longer—and the wicked shall have gone.
Look at his place, he is not there.
But the humble shall own the land
and enjoy the fullness of peace.
The wicked man borrows without repaying,
but the just man is generous and gives.
Those blessed by the Lord shall own the land,
but those he has cursed shall be destroyed.
The Lord guides the steps of a man
and makes safe the path of the one he loves.
Though he stumble he shall never fall
for the Lord holds him by the hand.
I was young and now I am old,
but I have never seen the just man forsaken
nor his children begging for bread.
All the day he is generous and lends
and his children become a blessing.
Then turn away from evil and do good
and you shall have a home for ever;
for the Lord loves justice
and will never forsake his friends.
Then wait for the Lord, keep to his way.
It is he who will free you from the wicked,
raise you up to possess the land
and see the wicked destroyed.
I have seen the wicked triumphant,
towering like a cedar of Lebanon.
I passed by again; he was gone.
I searched; he was nowhere to be found.
See the just man, mark the upright,
for the peaceful man a future lies in store,
but sinners shall all be destroyed.
No future lies in store for the wicked.
The salvation of the just comes from the Lord,
their stronghold in time of distress.
The Lord helps them and delivers them
and saves them: for their refuge is in him.
Being “woke”is very important in order to show the world you're a good person, and also to avoid having your entire life wrecked by a Twitter mob!

This morning as I stood on the White House lawn, it all finally started to sink in.
He's gone, I thought.
He's really gone...
The long nightmare is over. Democracy is back.

BIDEN VIRUS CLAIM President Biden told a CNN town hall audience: “It’s one thing to have the vaccine, which we didn’t have when we came into office, but a vaccinator, how do you get the vaccine into someone’s arm?” The first dose of the Pfizer vaccine was given on Dec. 14. In fact, Biden himself got the second dose of the vaccine on Jan. 11, nine days before he was sworn in as president. READ |
1.Overturned Trump immigration policies that stemmed the flow of caravans from Central America flooding our southern border. Biden is set to welcome 25,000 asylum-seekers, who had been in Mexico, into our nation. Soon we will witness chaos at the border, as we did under President Obama. Americans agree that our border must be secure; this will hurt Biden, just as it hurt Obama.
2.Canceled the Keystone Pipeline, nixing thousands of high-paying union jobs, even though the pipeline was shown by the Obama administration to have minimal environmental impact. Plus, Biden has "paused" new drilling leases on federal lands, which will especially kill revenues for New Mexico, which voted for Biden in November. Biden’s attack on energy will eventually cause oil output to drop and gasoline prices to rise at the pump, hurting low-income Americans.
3.Sided with teachers unions over the needs of families, and especially women, trying to earn a living. Biden’s refusal to order teachers back on the job and indifference to the "science" saying that schools can open safely is payback for union support, but a slap at unemployed workers forced to stay home and care for their kids.
4.Begun to actively undermine the Trump administration’s extraordinary progress in the Middle East. Unimaginably, Biden has already jeopardized the Abraham Accords by temporarily freezing arms sales to the UAE which were included in that deal. Also, Biden has yet to speak with Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu, pathetically returning to Obama’s failed policies in the region. Even Biden-sycophant CNN is questioning the delay.
5.Encouraged Democrats to jam through an absurd $1.9 trillion aid package with no GOP votes, destroying his campaign promise to work across the aisle. He is pushing the budget-buster deal even though there remains one TRILLION dollars unspent from prior packages and our economy is rebounding. Buying votes and bailing out blue states with $350 billion of taxpayer funds will not play well in purple states like Georgia, and could prove dangerous to the economy.
Don’t think this is a blunder?
Now you will know why Republicans are blocking this 2.2 trillion-dollar congressional bill! Hard to believe but look it up on the Congressional website for HR 748 from 116th Congress. Here’s the direct link: H.R.748 - 116th Congress (2019-2020): CARES Act
American population: 330,483,530
Stimulus bill: $2,000,000,000,000 ($2 Trillion)
Dividing the cost by every American is $6,051.74 The government could have given every person over $6,000, but instead will give $1,200 to each adult under a certain income. Want to know where the missing 96% of your tax dollars went? Here you go .... (see if you can find even one that has anything to do with the virus).....
1. $300,000,000 for Migrant and Refugee Assistance pg.. 147
2. $10,000 per person for student loan bailout
3. $100,000,000 to NASA, because, who knows why.
4. $20,000,000,000 to the USPS, because why the hell not
5. $300,000,000 to the Endowment for the Arts - because of it
6. $300,000,000 for the Endowment for the Humanities/ because no one even knew that was a thing
7. $15,000,000 for Veterans Employment Training / for when the GI Bill isn't enough.
8. $435,000,000 for mental health support
9. $30,000,000,000 for the Department of Education stabilization fund/ because that will keep people employed (all those zeros can be confusing, that’s $30 BILLION)
10. $200,000,000 to Safe Schools Emergency Response to Violence Program
11. $300,000,000 to Public Broadcasting / NPR has to be bought by the Democrats.
12. $500,000,000 to Museums and Libraries / Who the hell knows how we are going to use it.
13. $720,000,000 to Social Security Admin / but get this only 200,000,000 is to help people. The rest is for admin costs.
14. $25,000,000 for Cleaning supplies for the Capitol Building / I kid you not it's on page 136.
15. $7,500,000 to the Smithsonian for additional salaries
16. $35,000,000 to the JFK Center for Performing Arts
17. $25,000,000 for additional salary for House of Representatives
18. $3,000,000,000 upgrade to the IT department at the VA
19. $315,000,000 for State Department Diplomatic Programs
20. $95,000,000 for the Agency of International Development
21. $300,000,000 for International Disaster Assistance
22. $90,000,000 for the Peace Corp pg. 148
23. $13,000,000 to Howard University pg. 121
24. $9,000,000 Misc. Senate Expenses pg. 134
25. $100,000,000 to Essential Air carriers pg. 162. This of note because the Airlines are going to need billions in loans to keep them afloat ($100,000,000 is chump change.)
26. $40,000,000,000 goes to the Take Responsibility to Workers and Families Act This sounds like it's direct payments for workers pg. 164.
27. $1,000,000,000 Airlines Recycle and Save Program pg. 163
28. $25,000,000 to the FAA for administrative costs pg. 165
29. $492,000,000 to National Railroad Passenger Corporation (Amtrak) pg. 167
30. $526,000,000 Grants to Amtrak to remain available if needed through 2021 pg. 168 (what are the odds that doesn't go unused) Hidden on page 174 the Secretary has 7 days to allocate the funds & notify Congress.
31. $25,000,000,000 for Transit Infrastructure pg. 169
32. $3,000,000 Maritime Administration pg. 172
33. $5,000,000 Salaries and Expensive Office of the Inspector General pg. 172
34. $2,500,000 Public and Indian Housing pg. 175
35. $5,000,000 Community Planning and Development pg. 175
36. $2,500,000 Office of Housing
What DOES all of this have to do with the Virus????