Mainline Florida: Link to Mainline Florida.
I am making more use of links, music and visual. Click on them and then you might have a second link to search. Some locations, such as YouTube generate revenue for your "free" viewing by running ads, so be patient. On occasion there is a "skip ad" button. Sometimes it will load and start when you go there, sometimes you need to click on the white arrow in the red box.
I hope you enjoy the updates to my art and life as presented in this blog. IF you don't like the political stuff and don't want to receive future blogs just say so, no hard feelings. So far, only five have taken me up on the offer. With that in mind, remember: BELOW THE FOLD is where (most) of the controversial stuff is placed. Sometimes stuff is a hybrid, say humor and political. Nevertheless, I do this blog for me, it clears my mind and then I do it to share stuff I think is interesting, fun, needed to be considered, etc. I like, also, the feedback I receive, either on a specific article or the concept in general. Right now there are about 70 of you who receive this directly. Claude
Five working pieces. Lots of green😳

With my neighbors I visited a new arts center in Royal Shell, the, music, writing - it has it all. In the lobby are these two kinetic sculptures. Then we drove down the street to lunch at The Lighthouse, sitting on the screened porch over the marina. I did a painting of this scene and posted it in an earlier blog.
I think this is beautiful. And, look at the size...over three feet wide.

In an earlier blog I referenced this neighbor’s Aston Martin Vantage...Well, this is his fourth, a V-12 Race Edition. He said he is working up to a Lambo.
Morning walk moon still hanging around |
From time-to-time some of you ask about our size, location, etc...

We are in Lee County

REAL Surf Music
YOUTUBE LIVE, link to Joe Cocker and Jennifer Warnes Up Where We Belong
Great capture of his style and she is one of the all-time great duet partners...remember Dirty Dancing’s The Time Of My Life?
So, here she is with Leonard Cohen’s Joan Of Arc, one of my all-time favorites. Yes, I would interrupt almost anything to listen, even with you. Close your eyes, travel through the scene... “And who are you?” She sternly spoke
To the one beneath the smoke
“Why I’m fire”, he replied...
...”Then fire, make your body cold
I’m going to give you mine to hold”
Saying this she climbed inside
To be his one and only bride...
And then she clearly understood
If he was fire, she must be wood.
The link (you might have to tap on the photo to get the “play” arrow to pop up)
I have never seen Breakfast At Tiffany’s, nor read the book by Truman Capote which was describe as a pretty crude story of a homosexual and a prostitute from a small town in Texas, who find each other in NYC.
I found this account of how the movie was made, from the book to production to casting to actual on the street filming to the reviews and awards. Learned things I never knew. It prompted me to view the original Unforgiven and the three year’s of the Peter Gunn series.
A snippet, how they made the famous black dress work in real life...
Lots of fun and memories from my earliest recollection of TV, especially Combat and Fury. Remember Sea Hunt?
Babylon Bee found more of the e-mails

Hey, teacher, leave them kids alone...
More from Babylon Bee
Link to: Local Christian Parents Pay University $100,000 To Totally Destroy 18 Years Of Their Hard Work


2,500 !!!!!!!
Fan of this author and podcast or from STL
On Mother’s Day weekend this month, The New York Times decided to showcase women who openly reject motherhood. "Can there be a clearer example of the hatred our country’s ruling class maintains against the preciousness of femininity, of which the epitome is motherhood?" writes Joy Pullmann in "Lack of Money Isn't the Reason Our Culture Hates Children."The link should work...
Hey, voters, WAKE

So example one today of Why Do They Keep Voting For these politicians? Why, Why, Why

Some brainiacs from my era.

BTW, it’s free to do what’s morally right, not free to do what ever you want.
One of my favorite writers: MAY 17, 2021
The Four Marks of the Church: Reasons to Believe
PETER KREEFTThe Nicene Creed identifies the Church of Christ by four marks: she is one, holy, catholic, and apostolic. Only one Church fits that description. The description in the Creed is a description of our true home. It is a lighthouse, a roadmap, a clear marker for searchers and travelers.
ONE: Is any other church so one that all schisms that occur in that church are clearly schisms between the old and the new, between the Church that comes from Christ and one that comes from man, between the one Church that existed from the beginning and the breakaway group? The Catholic Church is the one church all other churches have to break away from.
HOLY: Is any other church one through the ages, teaching the same dogmas, never going back on herself, never saying “oops” in matters of theological or moral dogma?
Is any other church one in space as well as time? Is any other church catholic, i.e., universal? As Chesterton says, how can a missionary ask an Outer Mongolian to become a Southern Baptist?
APOSTOLIC: Is any other church apostolic in teaching both what the apostles taught and with the authority Christ gave to them and their successors? Is any other church apostolic in sacramental succession? Among Protestant churches, only the Anglican Church even claims apostolic succession, but they broke it when Henry VIII broke with Rome, with her bishops, and with her bishops’ ability to ordain other bishops in the apostolic succession that began with St. Peter and always traced its lineage back to him.
UNIVERSAL: Does any other church claim the name catholic, meaning “universal”? She is universal in many senses: for all men, for all the world, for all times, for all cultures, and teaching all that Christ and the apostles taught.
More: Well . . . finally . . . it isn’t a matter of reason; finally, it’s a matter of love.
Why does it take a Church (the Church) to make saints? Because we can’t do it ourselves. We can’t lift ourselves up by our own bootstraps. The physician can’t heal himself. The tiger can’t change his stripes.
But even though holiness is not a do-it-yourself thing, even though we need God and grace, why do we need the visible, concrete, historical, sacramental, material Church? Why can’t our relationship with God and our dependence on God be one-on-one and spiritual?
Because Christ is not one-on-one and spiritual. Christ gathered an apostolic college, and founded a visible Church, and gave her His literal body and blood, both on the Cross and in the Eucharist. Catholics paint with His grain, not against it. Catholics just deliver His mail; they don’t correct it.
God makes saints, but He does it through Christ, and Christ does it through His body, which is His Church.
Of course, it’s done by the Holy Spirit, and it’s spiritual. It’s also done by Christ’s incarnate body, and it’s material. Why? Because it’s done in man and for man, and man is not an angel but is always both spiritual and material.
To attain and achieve the meaning of life (of your life), be a saint.
To be a saint, go to Christ. To get wet, go where it’s raining. To get holy, go where Christ is.
Where is Christ? In His body, not “out of the body.” To go to Christ, go to His body, His Church.
Christ is in non-Catholics, too, spiritually, but not materially, not sacramentally, not Eucharistically. Why settle for a little lifeboat when you can have the whole ark?
Editor’s note: This article is from a chapter in Dr. Kreeft’s
Forty Reasons I Am a Catholic, which is available from
Sophia Institute Press.
Venerable Pierre Toussaint’s Story
Born in modern-day Haiti and brought to New York City as a slave, Pierre died a free man, a renowned hairdresser, and one of New York City’s most well-known Catholics.
Plantation owner Pierre Bérard made Toussaint a house slave and allowed his grandmother to teach her grandson how to read and write. In his early 20s, Pierre, his younger sister, his aunt, and two other house slaves accompanied their master’s son to New York City because of political unrest at home. Apprenticed to a local hairdresser, Pierre learned the trade quickly and eventually worked very successfully in the homes of rich women in New York City.
When his master died, Pierre was determined to support himself, his master’s widow, and the other house slaves. He was freed shortly before the widow’s death in 1807.
Four years later, he married Marie Rose Juliette, whose freedom he had purchased. They later adopted Euphémie, his orphaned niece. Both preceded Pierre in death. He attended daily Mass at St. Peter’s Church on Barclay Street, the same parish that Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton had attended.
Pierre donated to various charities, generously assisting blacks and whites in need. He and his wife opened their home to orphans and educated them. The couple also nursed abandoned people who were suffering from yellow fever. Urged to retire and enjoy the wealth he had accumulated, Pierre responded, “I have enough for myself, but if I stop working I have not enough for others.”
Pierre originally was buried outside St. Patrick’s Old Cathedral, where he was once refused entrance because of his race. His sanctity and the popular devotion to him caused his body to be moved to the present location of St. Patrick’s Cathedral on Fifth Avenue.
Pierre Toussaint was declared Venerable in 1996.
Pierre was internally free long before he was legally free. Refusing to become bitter, he daily chose to cooperate with God’s grace, eventually becoming a compelling sign of God’s wildly generous love
Sorry kids...

As of 2018 it was 300,000😳
And, they keep voting for these politicians...
So, her opponent must have been REALLY bad. Jones amassed all of 30,100 votes. Wow.🎉 Are you kidding me?
**********************So...Israel is on fire, war in the middle east, Major US pipeline hacked, price of everyday goods is skyrocketing, Russia is massing troops on the border with Ukraine. Ukraine is threatening to take Crimea back by force. China is threatening Taiwan and its neighbors while also threatening our ships and Navy. N Korea is testing missiles again and restarting their nuclear weapons program. Iran has been emboldened and making more than their normal threats.
Our southern border is a humanitarian disaster caused directly by this administration, and the administration that promised transparency is hiding it and not letting the media have access. Ford is closing a plant and moving it to Mexico after just bringing it back from Mexico because of the current Administration’s plan for Increased taxes.
Wall construction jobs lost.
1.9 trillion in stimulus that funds the administrations pet projects and only paid a fraction to the people.
29 trillion in debt with 4.8 trillion projected 2021 deficit before the 2 trillion dollar stimulus proposed today for the new green deal. 🤦 ♂ ️
9+% unemployment with millions of job openings that can’t be filled because federal unemployment assistance makes it more advantageous for people to stay home than work.
Man what an interesting time with the new administration but at least no more mean tweets...

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