Mainline Florida: Link to Mainline Florida.
Oh let me walk into the light
I wanna touch the dark and the light
Without any fear with nothing to hide
I wanna live while I'm alive
Make me hunger for the moment
Show me things I haven't seen
Take me out into the silence
Surround me
Lay me down, love
Writing songs I can't believe
With words that tear and strain to rhyme
Palermo's Tavern is considered the first sports bar in America. It was located outside St. Louis' Major League Baseball arena, boasted local beer, casual food and sports on TV.
Until I wrote the essay you are now reading, I had absolutely nothing to do with the synodality process. But now I’d like to add my two cents.
If the Church is getting ready to be nice to a variety of sexual sinners, shouldn’t we also be nice to members of the Mafia and other criminal gangs. I have spent much of my life in or near Providence, Rhode Island, which for a long time was the capital city of the Mafia in New England. And so, even though I have not personally rubbed shoulders with Mafia members, I have often rubbed shoulders with persons who themselves rubbed shoulders with Mafiosi.
And so I feel I can speak on behalf of the men of the Mafia, almost all of whom were baptized Catholic and would like to go to Heaven after death and are quite willing to spend a certain amount of deserved time in purgatory.
“We too feel pain,” they may say. “It hurts our feelings to hear that the Church condemns such sins as murder, drug-dealing, extortion, bribe-giving, etc. After all, we only murder criminals who deserve to be killed; we only sell drugs to persons who, if they don’t get the drugs from us, would get them elsewhere.” And so on. “Have a heart,” they plead.
And while the synodality process is lending a charitable ear to the cries of gangsters, shouldn’t it do the same for prostitutes (whom today we must call, with respect, “sex workers”)? “We perform a valuable public service,” they say. “By making ourselves available to a certain kind of man, we obviate his need to seduce virgins and married women. Technically, we concede, that’s a sin, but a sin that produces good results for society. A felix culpa, so to speak.”
The problem with our Catholic progressives is that they don’t really believe what they profess to believe. They don’t really believe that the Church and its teachings were founded by Jesus Christ, the one and only God-man.
Instead, they believe that while Jesus might have been a wise man for his day, and laid the foundations of the Catholic religion, the superstructure of the building will have to be brought to perfection by people like us, truly modern thinkers who understand human nature and its needs far better than any ancient Palestinian sage could have done.
And if you doubt that, it just shows you’re rigid, and part of the problem.
Another Anybody Can do it story. Look at some of these numbers…just basic: 16 TV shows/series😳
Only in America….
Brittney Griner was flown home from Russia to San Antonio on a G550 Jet at taxpayer expense.
A G550 burns around 400 gallons per hour and the cost per hour is $7,500.
It's 14 hours of flight time between Moscow and San Antonio. But first you have to get the jet over there. So roughly 28 hours of flight time at $7,500 per hour adds up to $210,000.
Now for all the liberal idiots let's look at how "un-green" this was. A G550 burns 400 gallons per hour, she caused 11,200 gallons of jet fuel to pollute our planet. She's also being treated at Brooks Medical Center, a MILITARY hospital on your dime.
Only in America can a person who uses drugs, kneels for our national anthem, and promotes green living, get this treatment - on your dollar.
By: Dr. Daniel W Nebert
December 1, 2022
(Emphasis added)
As a physician-scientist (and pediatrician), I wish to interject some scientific facts into the ongoing politically-charged global warming/climate change topic.
First, the United Nation (UN)’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) recently shocked the global warming community by quietly announcing on 27 October 2022 that “their computer-modeling estimates were wrong” [1]. They see “no ‘climate emergency’ between now and the end of the century.” Based on recent science, the UN has halved its prediction of global temperatures by the year 2100 to only 2.5°C [2]!
They report that global temperatures over the next 80 years are expected to rise at around the same negligible average pace as the previous 80 years — about 0.017 °C per year. This estimate is essentially no different from the 0.13 °C per decade scientific data [3] reported monthly by Roy W Spencer (meteorologist at the University of Alabama in Huntsville). Therefore, there should no longer be any conflict between the “global warming” alarmists and the non-alarmists! There is no climate emergency!
Second, the ridiculous myth that atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) is responsible for global warming cannot be true. As any grade-school science student will tell you, “Plants require CO2 and expel oxygen (O2). Animals and fungi take up O2 and give off CO2. CO2 is necessary for the Cycle of Life on Earth!” CO2 is a colorless odorless gas, comprising 0.041% by volume in our atmosphere; CO2 is not a pollutant.During the past 800,000 years of ice-core data, there is no correlation between global warming-and-cooling cycles and global atmospheric CO2 levels.
Given ~16 respirations per minute for each of the 8 billion people on Earth, this means ~16 billion pounds of CO2 per day produced by all humans. Multiply that by 40 equals ~640 billion pounds of CO2 per day — which approximates the overall CO2 excreted by the total animal and fungal biomass on the planet.
Overall emissions from worldwide industry per day in 2020 were estimated to be ~16 million metric tons of CO2 equivalent. If one metric ton is 2200 lb, then “total industrial emissions” = 35.2 x 109 = 35,200,000,000 (~35.2 billion pounds of CO2 per day). This means that the entire animal and fungal biomass per day puts out more than 18 times as much as all current industrial emissions!
Lastly, a comment on “eco-anxiety disorder” — commonly seen in pediatrics more than in adult patients. This condition is caused by social media and mainstream media dishonestly predicting the “end of the world as we know it,” due to increasing global temperatures. This panic can cause increased anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, lower birth rates, higher rates of suicide, substance abuse, social disruptions including increased violence, and a distressing sense of loss.
In my opinion, this is a serious form of child abuse. Given the recent confession by the UN’s IPCC that no climate emergency is predicted, and the fact that CO2 is unequivocally not responsible for any of this, alarmists should responsibly admit their mistaken claims — to everyone. And let’s move on, cheerfully!
Consider the case where northern countries derive benefits from the same temperature increases that cause dislocations in warmer regions of the globe. A recent Stanford study claims that climate change has worsened global economic inequality by producing this chart of net winners and losers in terms of GDP per capita:
5 countries burdened by warming:
Sudan (population 41 million): -36%
India (population 1.3 billion): -31%
Nigeria (population 191 million): -29%
Indonesia (population 264 million): -27%
Brazil (population 209 million): -25%
5 countries boosted by warming:
Norway (population 5 million): +34%
Canada (population 37 million): +32%
Sweden (population 10 million): +25%
Great Britain (population 66 million): +9.5%
France (population 67 million): +4.8%
World’s 3 largest economies:
USA (population 327 million): -0.2%
China (population 1.4 billion): -1.4%
Japan (population 127 million): -1.1%
If the purpose of climate justice is to improve the position of the worse off by charging the winners to support the losers, the program cannot practically work. The preferred class contains only 42 million people with large gains, none of whom (given their small populations) are heavy pollution emitters. The last two on the list (Great Britain and France) have generated paltry gains with their larger populations that together total 133 million people. Yet on the opposite side of the coin are huge populations of net losers (nearly 2 billion people) matched only by the world’s three largest economies (around 1.85 billion), none of which are rated as either big climate winners or losers. There is no way that the few winners in this climate lottery can contribute even a tiny fraction to the welfare of poorer counties. Nor should they be required to fork over for harms which to an overwhelming extent were caused either by other persons or natural events.

Bishop Barron:
JOHN 1:29–34
Friends, today’s Gospel reports John the Baptist’s testimony about Jesus.
One of the earliest descriptions of Baptism is vitae spiritualis ianua, which means “the door to the spiritual life.” To grasp the full meaning of this is to understand something really decisive about Christianity.
For Christianity is not primarily about “becoming a good person” or “doing the right thing” or, in Flannery O’Connor’s famous phrase, “having a heart of gold.” Let’s face it: anyone—pagan, Muslim, Jew, nonbeliever—can be any of those things.
To be a Christian is to be grafted on to Christ and hence drawn into the very dynamics of the inner life of God. We become a member of his Mystical Body, sharing in his relationship to the Father.
It is so important that we are baptized “in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” For Baptism draws us into the relationship between the Father and the Son, which is to say in the Holy Spirit. Baptism, therefore, is all about grace—our incorporation, through the power of God’s love, into God’s own life.
By Jay Valentine
American Thinker
November 30, 2022
Database latency -- a geeky term, but that’s how they did it!
A policeman pulls over a speeder. The police computer reports that three hours ago a similar vehicle and person held up a liquor store -- so the police are on alert.
No database latency.
County election managers change the zip code of 31,000 voters on September 3. Ballots go out that week. Those 31,000 are undeliverable. Someone collects those valid ballots. On September 15th, those addresses are quietly changed back.
The National Change of Address Database (NCOA) will not pick up those address changes. They didn’t happen because there is no history.
The 31,000 citizens were getting their mail just fine -- except for ballots. Ballot addresses were driven by the county mail-in ballot database -- the one that was changed, then changed back.
Many states send ballots to everyone; the recipient is none the wiser that they never received a mail-in ballot. They may vote in person. Oops! “You already voted!” Ever heard that?
Welcome to database latency.
Our bad guy pals know they can change voter rolls, take an action, then change them back. Who would know?
A thousand voters are changed from inactive, voted, then changed back, and how would you ever know? With lots of complex footwork, you could eventually tell from their voter history file -- months after the election.
What are you going to do about it? Reverse the election?
We explain this at
By: Judd Garrett
Objectivity is the Objective
November 20, 2022
Last week, Christopher Darnell Jones Jr., a former University of Virginia football player, walked onto a bus filled with University of Virginia students returning from a school trip and began firing a gun at the students, wounding 2, and killing 3 others. Football players, D'Sean Perry, Lavel Davis Jr., and Devin Chandler were the 3 students who were killed. It was an utter, senseless tragedy. Three young men in the prime of their lives were killed for absolutely no reason.
The unusual thing about this tragedy is that very few politicians have tried to politicize it. Maybe because the election just ended, and a new one will not occur for another two years, so no politician wants to put in the effort to politicize something that will not help them politically. But if you look further into this tragedy, it becomes very obvious why it was not politicized the way most shootings are – both the victims and the assailant happen to be black.
I want to remind you that in, say 1800, many, many Americans had guns, all types, for all reasons, in rural regions for food, hunting, in cities for protection, former militia, military, etc. While there were murders, I don’t recall reading about anyone entering schools, school houses, entertainment venues, government offices, etc and mowing down everyone in sight. We have a different kind of “gun” problem these days.
Hey Catholics: Don’t forget this guy
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